Happy Birthday Alix

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Happy Happy Birthday Alix! I hope your day is full of wonderful surprises and lots of great food!
Thank you all so much! I miss you all tons and am going a little mental without my fix of DC. My computer at home is dead and I'm having a heck of a time fixing it. I managed to sneak away at work for a few minutes to get on here and let you all know how much I appreciate your thoughts and wishes. Hugs to you all! I'll get back on here very soon.

Thanks also for your prayers for my MIL. She is still a mystery to the Drs and is in lots of pain so if you have a moment think of her please.

Happy Birthday Sis, We Love You and we hope you had A MAIDRITE BIRTHDAY :chef:



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My computer wouldn't let me post earlier, so I would like to wish you a slightly belated birthday. I hope it was a wonderful one!

(Click on the picture to see my birthday dance!)


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Thanks all! I'm still digesting the incredible prime rib and crab legs from my birthday dinner. We're doing cake tonight. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
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