Friday August 23, 2024, what's for supper?

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Chicken, oven dried tomatoes, caramelized fennel and onions, garlic, zucchini and orzo pasta with white wine and chicken broth for a light sauce. Also used dried thyme, basil and red pepper flakes. I brined the chicken strips for about 1.5 hours in salt, good pinch of sugar, and the thyme, basil and pepper flakes.
I had a positively humountainungous brunch and still didn't feel hungry at 5. But I knew I would later, Dug out a box of frozen hors d'oeuvre of breaded calamari rings, they included tentacles as well. Not bad but not particularly good.
I didn't hear the timer so might have overcooked them just a tad.

Would someone tell me why I buy these frozen quickies? They are never star quality. Fast and easy but not great, bah...
Still not spending much time cooking, not until it gets cooler, so another pasta salad dish, similar to another one I posted a while ago.

I made a rucola sauce by throwing in the electric mincer some rucola, garlic, almonds, evo oil, parmesan. Then boiled some pasta, drained it, cooling it down with running water, mixed it with the sauce, and added
some canned salmon and chopped tomatoes.


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Still not spending much time cooking, not until it gets cooler, so another pasta salad dish, similar to another one I posted a while ago.

I made a rucola sauce by throwing in the electric mincer some rucola, garlic, almonds, evo oil, parmesan. Then boiled some pasta, drained it, cooling it down with running water, mixed it with the sauce, and added
some canned salmon and chopped tomatoes.
What is an electric mincer? I tried googling it, but all I got was electric meat grinders. Is that what you mean? My brain is flying every which way with ideas of using my electric meat grinder on other ingredients than meat.
What is an electric mincer? I tried googling it, but all I got was electric meat grinders. Is that what you mean? My brain is flying every which way with ideas of using my electric meat grinder on other ingredients than meat.

Maybe, you call it a blender or mixer/grinder? It's much bigger than my coffee grinder. I always get confused translating electrical kitchen equipment into English 😀.
This is mine, I use it to grind almonds, walnuts, making breadcrumbs, pesto sauce and anything else that needs to be grinded or chopped up finely.


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Maybe, you call it a blender or mixer/grinder? It's much bigger than my coffee grinder. I always get confused translating electrical kitchen equipment into English 😀.
This is mine, I use it to grind almonds, walnuts, making breadcrumbs, pesto sauce and anything else that needs to be grinded or chopped up finely.

Food Processor. Most here have the motor on the bottom, but some have it on the top. That type seems to be very popular in Europe.

I make pesto in my mini food processor.


Maybe, you call it a blender or mixer/grinder? It's much bigger than my coffee grinder. I always get confused translating electrical kitchen equipment into English 😀.
This is mine, I use it to grind almonds, walnuts, making breadcrumbs, pesto sauce and anything else that needs to be grinded or chopped up finely.
Oh, I think I know what that is. The inside of the bowl and the blades, that part looks like the mini food processor attachment for my immersion blender.
Yes, that's right. A mini food processor. I just don't think of mine as a food processor because it's much smaller than the one I still have from England, which doesn't work because the plastic lid is chipped unfortunately. I still haven't thrown it out, perhaps it can be fixed. It was very good for kneading dough and cake mixtures, as it's so big. We have a big dough mixer now for that.
My immersion blender is broken too🙄, that's why I bought a mini food processor.

I'm fond of my old British Kenwood, even though the plastic lid is half-broken, so it doesn't "lock" in and won't function 😳. It's at least 40 years old and the mechanical part is not broken, it's the stupid lid😕.


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Yes, that's right. A mini food processor. I just don't think of mine as a food processor because it's much smaller than the one I still have from England, which doesn't work because the plastic lid is chipped unfortunately. I still haven't thrown it out, perhaps it can be fixed. It was very good for kneading dough and cake mixtures, as it's so big. We have a big dough mixer now for that.
My immersion blender is broken too🙄, that's why I bought a mini food processor.

I'm fond of my old British Kenwood, even though the plastic lid is half-broken, so it doesn't "lock" in and won't function 😳. It's at least 40 years old and the mechanical part is not broken, it's the stupid lid😕.
I wonder if this is one of those parts that can be found on eBay. I think it would be worth checking.

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