Dirty's Roasted Garlic & Herb all natural potato chips review.....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Well this chip certainly does not have the scoville heat units of the Jalapeno Heat one I tasted and reviewed for this message board, But I thought the flavor combination looked good and I tried a 2 ounce bag.

The ingredients on this bag of chips does say it includes tomato powder, onion powder, bell pepper powder, and parsley along with other ingredients.

The chip was the sma e thickness as the Jalapeno Heat5 brand.

The chip did have some small tiny red and green flakes on it which was nice to see.

The flavor of the chip was really good. Nice lite herb taste with no aftertaste. I think the flavor my tastebuds tasted the most was the tomato flavor though.

Size of the chips was really nice.

In the end I give this chip a big thumbs up.

More reviews to come.
I haven't used these, but I have used the Cape Cod jalapena and cheddar flavor. I thought they were too hot so I used them as a breading for chicken strips that I cooked for a Mexican salad. It turned out great. I just used romaine and the usual mexican salad go alongs.
Well licia if you thought the Cape Cod chip was too hot, the Blairs Death Chip would be WAYYYYYYY to hot for you.
OK, so I won't try those or the one's I bought again. We don't eat chips very often, but when something catches my eye, it is impossible to go without trying. Maybe I will be more selective next time.
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