Dinner, Thursday Aust 29th, 2013

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Ogress Supreme
Moderator Emeritus
Jul 14, 2009
Special day in the Ogre Family, Baby Sister Wynona is 50 today, so in her honor:


Her favorite is Cherry Chip Cake, which I abhor, so I'm picking up a Boston Cream cake with a maraschino on top. She is two states away...:(
mmm, lasagna...

I think I'm going to make a dutch oven dish using kielbasa, potatoes, carrots, onions, bacon and beer. I need something that's going to produce some leftovers for quick noonday meals.
Special day in the Ogre Family, Baby Sister Wynona is 50 today, so in her honor:


Her favorite is Cherry Chip Cake, which I abhor, so I'm picking up a Boston Cream cake with a maraschino on top. She is two states away...:(

It's my big sister's birthday today so in honor of what we have in the fridge, we're having wings on the grill and a salad. She can make her own damn dinner.

I guess I'll give her a call.
Andy and PF, Happy birthday to your sisters. I THINK all the bodies will be home tonight for dinner. Unfortunately, one of those bodies is not feeling well at all. She is currently curled up around a hot water bottle so we may be down to 3 for dinner. I was thinking about pork tenderloin on the barbie until I read that Andy is making wings. Now I want to make pacanis's garlic/parmesan wings. That's a cruel thing to do to a sick kid, but that's what I want. I'll probably do some of our garden potatoes in olive oil and s&p while I'm doing the wings.

Caesar salad? Coleslaw? Hmmm....
I saw a cooking competition show over last weekend. It had the usual panel of three judges, all experienced carnival cooks, and the competitors were cooking carnie food, which of course featured something on a stick. Some of those cooks were getting pretty creative, but what it boiled down to is whoever could find something unusual that batter would stick to and could be deep fried. One guy did chicken fried steak on a stick, which worked well. It was a nice deviation from the usual BBQ competition shows.
How'd he get the gravy to stick to it?

I recall seeing the gravy simply drizzled on for the close up food porn pics, it was very thick, but he might have used a small plastic cup to dip into.
The contestants not also had to be creative, make something that would set them apart, but they had to make it a realistic fair food and quantify cost vs sale price.
One guy made something with seafood that the judges liked, but they all agreed it wasn't realistic in fair conditions. One guy had beignets on a stick, but they soaked up too much grease so he was ousted. It was on the Destination Channel. Worth watching for entertainment value.
And of course the trophy for the winner of each episode won the golden corn dog award :LOL:
We are having spaghetti and meatballs. The sauce smells really good. :)
mmm, spaghetti :yum: You can't go wrong with spaghetti. I wonder if it's the most common dinner in America... It seems everybody eats spaghetti or some form of pasta and red sauce.

I'll be eating late tonight. This needs to cook a while before adding the beer and kielbasa.


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We made 7 qts of gazpacho today. We ate some and put the rest in the freezer. I hadn't really thought about freezing gazpacho before, but we have sooooo many cucumbers and really don't eat THAT many pickles in a year. The recipe was an adaptation of this one:

Canning Recipes - Ball® Canning and Preserving Recipes

We upped the heat by adding chopped cayenne pepper and used more garlic, lime juice (didn't have a lemon left after all the zucchini fritters I made).
mmm, spaghetti :yum: You can't go wrong with spaghetti. I wonder if it's the most common dinner in America... It seems everybody eats spaghetti or some form of pasta and red sauce.

I'll be eating late tonight. This needs to cook a while before adding the beer and kielbasa.

That looks yummy!:)
Thanks Chopper. And I have three quickie meals from the leftovers.
Thanks again pacanis for the garlic parm wing directions. My family LOVES them. I'm so full I can hardly move.
Happy Birthdays around to PFs and Andy's sisters.

We went to a local farmers' market in CT for the first time today. Picked up some heirloom tomatoes, a couple each of green zebras and some yellow globe-type kind I can't remember, plus a deep-red brandywine. Had one each of the green and yellow in our salads tonight. The entree part was less work than the salad: sauteed diced onions/add and sear bite-size hot dog pieces/add potato cubes and water/put the lid on till pots are tender. Should have used the last of the brewery beer instead of water - forgot it was there. :neutral:

We're about to have our normally late dessert: farm-fresh peaches with a few raspberries and a *pffttt* of canned whipped cream. :yum:

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