Dinner Plans 01-02-15

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
What's on the menu for tonight?

I have a ball of pizza dough in the freezer so I thought we'd have calzones. I have a good selection of ingredients to fill them with. I'll make one for each of us so we can customize.
Well... it's pretty early, but I think we are having bacon-wrapped chicken pesto bites. I haven't been to the store yet, so I don't know what else will be on the menu at this point.
As I took out too much frozen turkey for yesterdays tetrazzini I will be doing a turkey risotto.

First I will make some ice cream in my new ice cream maker and I'll bake some bread as well.
I finally got to Sam's and loaded up on chicken so we'll do chicken breasts somehow. Not sure how I will fix them yet. Also have some nice sweet potatoes that I'll bake up along with salads.
I'm thinking stuffed shells with tomato meat sauce, salad and homemade garlic bread. DH made spaghetti earlier in the week and there's about 2 cups of leftover sauce. I'll add some frozen puréed tomatoes from last year's garden and more seasoning and use that up.
Not sure here either. I'm thinking brandied chicken but we may go out to a movie and dinner.
I'm planning on salsa verde braised pork, cilantro white rice, and refried beans. For some reason this has become somewhat of a tradition for me to make during the beginning of the new year. :rolleyes:
I have to free up some freezer space for the Christmas turkey DH gets from work that Fareway so nicely agreed to store for us until we got back from vacation. Will need to move some stuff around. CG, you would be welcome to come and look in our freezer, and please help yourself.

So more spelunking.
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Baked acorn squash and Tex-Mex sloppy joes served open face on split corn bread squares. Probably an extra slice cornbread with honey and a cuppa tea for dessert.
Today was my heavy duty shopping spree, so I'm too pooped to cook. Luckily I bought a Banquet Salisbury Steak Pot Pie knowing I would feel this way. I can handle heating up.

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