Did I just ruin my non-stick pan?

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Assistant Cook
Feb 22, 2021
Coatesville, PA
I turned on the wrong burner, on high, and didn't notice until the smoke detectors went off. My Calphalon non-stick pan LOOKS okay. Is there anything that I should be concerned given that it was empty on a high burner?
According to the Teflon site, high heat can reduce the non-stick capabilities of the coatings. Breathing the fumes from an overheated pan is also dangerous.

It is the fumes that are the most dangerous part in the first place. IMHO
You might notice it getting discoloured sooner rather than later and even might start to peel (which is NOT dangerous) just means you no longer have a non-stick pan.

Aside from all that - I truly don't believe that any pan should be heated on high heat empty! Even cast iron should at least have some oil that you are bringing to a 'shimmer'...

But RVS0 you can certainly still use your pan. Add a tiny bit of oil and cook away! ... watcha makin'? Everything will still taste just fine.
Calaphon is a major brand, and it has a 10 year or lifetime warranty, depending on the model. . Just fry an egg in it to asertain it's non-stick capabilities. If you broke it, CONTACT THEM.
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Calphalon has "non stick", and the original Calphalon, the "stick resistant" anodyzed aluminum, which probably wouldn't be destroyed, but I still wouldn't recommend doing that. Which do you have, the old, almost black, Calphalon, or one of their pans with the Teflon type coating on it?
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