Desperately seeking Bratwurst Help!

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
The combination of my feeling so much better and wanting to cook again, DH's being laid off so money is once more tight, and the fact that while I was convalescing people gave us meals and DH bought everything in site, I inventoried my freezer and have been busily cooking up stuff that is coming to it's frozen prime.

One item we were given is a four kg bag of Thuringa Bratwurst Sausages (probably about 40 large). They were all frozen together in one bag so I had to thaw the whole thing. These are the white bratwursts and not DH's favourite, though I like them once in awhile.

Anyway, I have thawed them and boiled them and have no clue what to do with them next.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You already boiled them? I would have boiled in beer, or saurkraut. Or slightly boiled them and grilled to completion.
Now that they are already boiled, I don't know what to say, other than you can refreeze what you don't need immediately now that they are cooked. They'd be a quick meal to defrost next time.
I actually only par-boiled them so all is not lost. I did this because I didn't know how long they had been frozen before we got them and didn't know how fast I could use them.

I was thinking I could grill some at this point but wondered if there was some fancy dishes people knew of.

As for the beer, I can't cook with alcohol because of my border and DH (who is German) hates saurkraut.

Thanks Quicksilver for the reply.
That's what I was going to say. Refreeze them in the size packages you want. Keep some out to experiment with.
Hey, razz away! I mean who comes off of a year of convalescing and then piles a year of cooking in one week? Me, and I deserve all the razzing you want to give me! I just don't like wasting food.
Slice them up and use on pizza.
Giant hot dogs
make a paella or gumbo and include them chopped up
make an unusual chilli

I like the "German Chilli" idea miniman! I just made a 10 quart pot of turkey/beef chili but this would be a good experiment.

And I have wanted to make a paella with my newly acquired saffron!

Pacanis, I will bag some to go back in the freezer. Do you want me to FedEx you some?

Thanks, again Quicksilver, I was thinking on those lines and I think DH might eat them then.

Oh, I counted them....52!!!!!
I actually only par-boiled them so all is not lost. I did this because I didn't know how long they had been frozen before we got them and didn't know how fast I could use them.

I was thinking I could grill some at this point but wondered if there was some fancy dishes people knew of.

As for the beer, I can't cook with alcohol because of my border and DH (who is German) hates saurkraut.

Thanks Quicksilver for the reply.

From what I recall from our trip to Germany, they usually grill them and serve them with mustard. You could make a nice warm German potato salad to go alongside.
Well, yo could always fry em up like italian sausage, peppers and onions and fried potatoes. Nothing fancy, but good.

Great idea. I do this with Italian sausage except I don't use the potatoes.
Cut up green and/or red bell peppers in 1 inch pieces, same with onions, then saute the brats for a couple of minutes til brown and remove.

Saute the onions and peppers for 2 or 3 minutes, then add all together and bake in a 350 oven for about 40 minutes. Cool, then package (hopefully you have FoodSaver) in individual servings or servings for 2. When you need them simpley re-heat in the oven then serve on hoagie buns. Great easy meal.
From what I recall from our trip to Germany, they usually grill them and serve them with mustard. You could make a nice warm German potato salad to go alongside.

We have a supermarket here sells a potato and sausage salad. Brats would be an interesting twist on that.
Thanks MM, GG and DQ. I think with all of this I can use all 52 up in some way, even if they end up back in the freezer! But I am still open to more ideas if anyone has any!
Grill some Laurie, then get some nice rolls the texture of say a kaiser roll or a french roll and warm it put in your grilled brat and fancy it up with your choice of goodies, I love grilled onions andsome lettuce and may, mustard and we serve with a salad like potato or macaroni, tortelini ...
Grill or fry serve with a nice homemade dish of mac and cheese, slice some into a soup,

I like the "German Chilli" idea miniman! I just made a 10 quart pot of turkey/beef chili but this would be a good experiment.

And I have wanted to make a paella with my newly acquired saffron!

Pacanis, I will bag some to go back in the freezer. Do you want me to FedEx you some?

Thanks, again Quicksilver, I was thinking on those lines and I think DH might eat them then.

Oh, I counted them....52!!!!!

No thanks.
But if you run into some extra boxes of those chocolate and maple cream cookies shaped like a maple leaf.... :LOL:
Bratwurst is more versatile than people give it credit for. it can be sliced and put into new England Boiled Dinner, Added to baked beans, served with sour kraut, put on a bun with lightly cooked onion, bell pepper, and a bit of your favorite condiments, which can include everything from ketchup, to any variety of mustards, barbecue sauce (tomato based or honey-mustard style), or horseradish mixed with mayo or salad dressing, and of course, a good cheese. You can add bratwurst to soups, again, everything from split pea to creamy potato, to tomato/vegetable, or even bean soup.

Bratwurst can be crumbled, or sliced and added to pasta sauces, baked in savory pies, chopped and cooked with scrambled eggs, or in a fritata, or quiche. It can be ground and mixed with Miracle Whip and made into a sandwich spread.

There is the obvious grilled brats with potato salad and chips.

That should get you started thinking. Personally, I'd start with the baked beans and brats idea.:chef: But I'm prejudiced. I love baked beans and any kind of sausage.

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
:) I like to cook them this way I sauté onions and sliced green apples in butter until brown then add some sauerkraut meanwhile sauté in another pan brats until light brown add to the onion, apples and kraut add a little water cover pan and lightly simmer about ten minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes or potato salad or just some nice dark rye bread.
:) I like to cook them this way I sauté onions and sliced green apples in butter until brown then add some sauerkraut meanwhile sauté in another pan brats until light brown add to the onion, apples and kraut add a little water cover pan and lightly simmer about ten minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes or potato salad or just some nice dark rye bread.

That sounds just mouth watering! Thanks for the idea!
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