Companion planting question

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Our garlicj plants are starting to get quite big. Seems to have started early this year.

My question is.... can I plant something between the individual stalks of garlic?

I am think specifically of bush green beans. I'm sort of late getting them in ( a different bed) but thought that perhaps by the time the bush got big enough to start shading the garlic too much, the garlic would be well established and hog enough sunshine for its leaves so as not to be bothered by the bushing green beans.

Am I crazy? or just stupid? Actually the bed I was going to put them (green beans) in seems to have started sprouting last years bok choy - so I thought I would leave that bed alone and see what we got. But it's time to get the beans in! Hence my eyeballing the space between the garlics.
I would say no. I say no because garlic is a heavy nitrogen feeder and even a few weeds near the base cause smaller bulbs. I know this because I've grown garlic for at least 10 years maybe more. I've left half the garlic weeded and half not, and it makes the difference. Up in WI due to winter, we harvest in July. As soon as we harvest we put in green beans and get lots of beans before fall and winter arrives. If you are far north, you'd also harvest in July and there is enough time for the beans to follow.
Definitely do not want small bulbs so will leave them alone. I don't remember when we harvested them last year. Probably in mid-August but not sure. Don't know if I can transplant any of the bok choy, I'll try a few. If successful I'll "tidy" up the bed and put some green beans in the free space. Then I'll put more in the garlic bed when it's ready. Hopefully we'll have plenty for the freezer. But we're 6 people, well, 5.5? but she's growing and eating ... a lot! LOL

Thank you, bliss. Appreciate your knowledge and help. May your flowering plants flourish, feed you and your bees, who will also feed you. :flowers:
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