Cat food treats?

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Senior Cook
Nov 17, 2004
Buffalo, NewYork
i used to have a dog and i always made dog treats for him. Now i have 2 cats. is there any recipes for makeing cat treats or is is just not existant? lol
Dogs like catfood because it is sweeter and richer.

If you want to give your cats a real treat, cook up a few chicken livers in the nuke. Put a litle water in, and be sure to pierce the livers with a fork few times, and cover, as they will pop all over the place. Give them only a few minutes...they should still be a little pink inside. They don't need any salt and pepper.
Mush the livers up with a fork, and give the cats just a little, and some time to check it out. Once they take a bite, they will love it!
I sometimes eat tuna for lunch. When I do, I always save a bit of the tuna and juice in the can, and let the cats lick it out.
Most of the time, though, I feed them a good dried food. They have delicate tummy's, and must be pampered.

Below: Chang, male, left...Mei Yu, female, right.


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:w00t2: Are you kidding me? This is too much! :ohmy:

I guess if you have the time and money to spoil the critters that much, se la vi. I spoil my cats, but this is far beyond that! :ermm: :wacko:
You can bake biscuits for a dog, but cats seem to just love any leftover roast chicken or meat of any kind. They're not really impressed by your efforts at baking them treats! Meat....that's the ticket.
one of the best cat treats i've found is shaved dried bonito. don't buy the tiny bags at a pet store tho, way too expensive. go to an asian market and you get 10 times the amount for the same price. and you can use them for your own cooking too. just immerse, soak, then strain the bonito in water just off the boil to make a fish broth. add konbu (kelp), and you've made a japanese soup called dashi.
Madame Domino appears whenever I take a chicken out of the fridge and DEMANDS her bites from the breast. No other part of the chicken will do but I swear if I didn't give her a few bites she would drag the whole darned bird off the counter! She also loves Tuna water with a few bites of tuna in it and gets about 2T of half & half in a wee bowl and nuked for just 4 seconds every day.

Nah...she's not spoiled! Just well loved!
My cat used to love chicken too - he is just too old to care about anything right now - lucky he can still make it to the bowl of food. When younger, his treat used to be ice cream.
There used to be a bakery around the corner from my house. It was not your normal bakery though. Their clients were dogs and cats. Most of the stuff was for the dogs, but they did have a few baked goods for our feline friends.

My cats love tuna and that is really the only treat we give them. And we don't even give them the fish. We just let them lick the juice out of the can. My wife is the only one who makes tuna though so as soon as they see her (not me) with the can opener then they are right there being her best friend :mrgreen:
I got this off the net.
Tuna Cat Treats

1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup nonfat powdered milk
1/2 can tuna
1 tablespoon vegetable oil or cod liver oil
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F; grease cookie sheets with cooking spray.
In large bowl, mash the tuna into smaller pieces. Add flour and milk. Mix well. Pour in water and oil. Mix well again.
Beat egg in separate dish until dish until egg is foamy texture. Add to mix. Mix well. The dough mix will be sticky. Using your fingers, shape dough into small bite-size balls, about the size of a marble. Put balls on prepared cookie sheets. Flatten with hand. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove treats from oven. Wait five minutes, then turn treats over. Bake 10 more minutes or until golden brown in color. Place treats on cookie rack to cool. Cool for 15 minutes. NEVER give hot treats to your pet.
Store in airtight container and store in refrigerator or cool dry place.
Constance said: a bit of the tuna and juice in the can, and let the cats lick it out...

Just a word of caution as my husband used to do this with his cat as a child ... His cat actually cut his tongue on the edge of the can to the point(about 2/3 off actually) he couldn't feed himself any longer and had to be put to sleep :( .

Our little Reggie loves the tuna / juice treat but only gets it out of her bowl.
Oh WOW that is horrible. Great info to have though! I will no longer let my cats do this.
JMediger said:
Just a word of caution as my husband used to do this with his cat as a child ... His cat actually cut his tongue on the edge of the can to the point(about 2/3 off actually) he couldn't feed himself any longer and had to be put to sleep :( .

Our little Reggie loves the tuna / juice treat but only gets it out of her bowl.

Oh, how awful!
I use an electric can opener that doesn't leave any sharp edges on the can. I even save leftover tuna cans for extra ashtrays when we have a party or cookout.
if you want to let your cat lick the juices from a can, just buy one of those safety edge can openers, the ones that slice thru the side, not the top, so there's no sharp or jagged edges.
and never leave butter out on the counter, or you'll have a patterned divot licked into the center.:cat:.
thanks soo much guys! lol i cant wait to try and make stuff for my kitties. I owe it to thme lol we never made my dog his treats on his Bday and we had to put him asleep that summer. :(
thanks again guys!
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