Canning today 2023 Part II

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
12 pints of canned kale today.
Tomato season is approaching here, WI. Might be a few weeks yet.
I've canned pickles last week, another batch in the next week.
Raspberry puree/jam done this past week.
I have assorted pickles, relish, and blackberry jelly. I'm thinking of contacting the local farm to see whether I can get 1/2 bushel of green tomatoes. I remember my grandmother canning green tomatoes to fry in the winter as fried green tomatoes. They were awesome.
@Kathleen mmm fried green tomatoes!
The kroger affiliate store here has peaches or nectarines for 99 cent/lb. We picked up 15 lbs to make a puree to can, for making frozen peach bars or baked goods this winter.
There were an additional 2 lbs of peaches we bought from reduced produce at our store making it 17 lbs of peaches. The peach flesh and peel, into the blender, then into a 6 qt roaster (full), added 1/2 cup lemon juice. Cooked down to reduce volume by 1/3, canned in a hot water bath canner, 7 pints and 1.5 cups(for the fridge). It is concentrated and was sweet enough for us, much like a jam, tasted peachy.

Cucumber Relish


Blackberry Jelly




Green Tomato Slices for Frying
WOW @Kathleen you've been super busy!

I'm making a lower sugar version of Emerils Sweet pickles, the brine on the stove, the cucumbers soaking in salt water, the waterbath getting warm, the jars and lids prepared.

I'm only making about 20 jars of pickles this season, then we collect cucumbers for the neighbors so they can make pickles.
Seeing the jars filled makes me smile....usually. I am still canning salsa. Tomorrow, we are making tomato sauce since I still have sauce tomatoes left over.

Oh, something that is sorta amusing. Everyone has a superpower or two, right? One of mine is I can look at something and tell whether it will fit or not. Truly, if I ever say "No way. no how," don't even try it. If there is ever a game show called Tupperware Tetris, I am there! making the salsa, I was told that I might need a bigger pot. I said it would fit. I credit the surface tension of the liquid for preventing me from losing my reining spatial volume credibility with the salsa. :LOL:

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Seeing the jars filled makes me smile....usually. I am still canning salsa. Tomorrow, we are making tomato sauce since I still have sauce tomatoes left over.

Oh, something that is sorta amusing. Everyone has a superpower or two, right? One of mine is I can look at something and tell whether it will fit or not. Truly, if I ever say "No way. no how," don't even try it. If there is ever a game show called Tupperware Tetris, I am there! making the salsa, I was told that I might need a bigger pan. I said it would fit. I credit the surface tension of the liquid for preventing me from losing my reining spatial volume credibility with the salsa. :LOL:

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Whewww!, Thats a close one !

So far this year, I did one round of salsa and about 12 sliced sandwich pickles. I still have sandwich pickles left over from last year ( I probably didn't even have to make more pickles this year).
I'm envious of those ripe tomatoes! I know I'll get mine, they just aren't ripening yet, so no salsa, sauce, or ketchup here yet. It'll probably be sometime in September this year and usually canning tomatoes for me starts the 2nd week in August, so we are really behind. There's a lot of tomatoes on the vine, a lot.
Whewww!, Thats a close one !

So far this year, I did one round of salsa and about 12 sliced sandwich pickles. I still have sandwich pickles left over from last year ( I probably didn't even have to make more pickles this year).

I ended up with a total of 23 pints of salsa. And not one drop boiled out of the pot!

I'm envious of those ripe tomatoes! I know I'll get mine, they just aren't ripening yet, so no salsa, sauce, or ketchup here yet. It'll probably be sometime in September this year and usually canning tomatoes for me starts the 2nd week in August, so we are really behind. There's a lot of tomatoes on the vine, a lot.

My tomatoes did very little, and I have grumbled a bit over this, so when I saw a 1/2 bushel of paste tomatoes for sale at the fresh farm store for $15, I bought them! I also got a 1/2 bushel of green tomatoes for fried green tomatoes now and later.
It's like a Roma. They are called Amish Paste tomatoes. They are bigger than Romas and typically have few seeds like Romas. They also seem to have some of the sweetness of San Marzanos. Very little core. Very little waste.
Still winter here down under. We dont can, we bottle our preserves.
I do beetroot, tomatoes relish, gerkins/pickles and tomato sauce. I also make and freeze 2 litre of tomato pasta sauce. We grow our own herbs as well.

When North Americans talk about canning, we aren't usually talking about putting up food in cans. It's in glass jars. It takes some much more industrial equipment to preserve properly in cans.
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