Canning pineapple

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
Pineapples went on sale at meijers, $7/7, so we bought 14. I washed pint and 24 oz jars.
The directions say, chunks, with water or syrup, we use water. It's very good in water and I use a lot of pineapple lately in carrot-apple-pineapple slaw.
Waterbath canner, for 15 or 20 minutes.

Tomorrow I'll be canning while mr bliss is out on the trapline. Either all of them tomorrow or tomorrow and the next day.
What do you look for when picking your pineapples at the the store? The ones at my store are always green and I leave them on a table at home where the cat can reach the tops and nibble on them. It seems to speed up the ripening process. I believe the tops must be like quack grass.
I pick the biggest ones. I've read that they don't ripen after picking. I'm not sure if that is true or not. I've never bought a pineapple and had to dispose of it because it was not sweet enough and I buy quite a lot of them when I can or dehydrate them. If I let them sit whole for too long, they will start to ferment or rot a little.
14 large pineapples fits 6 large pineapples flat in a chiquita box. About 2.5 lbs each. Very sweet. They were mostly green.
End result:
1 quart jar
21 24-oz jars
6 pint jars
About 39 oz of canned pineapple per pineapple.
Cost analysis:
$14 pineapples.
To buy pineapple, canned 20 oz cans, $1.49 each. 10 cans would be about $15.
The jars and tattler lids are a previous investment, the few metal lids I used are 8 cents/lid.

So with the work involved, 28 jars of pineapple, about 18 of them were at little to no cost.
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