BOUDIN Spices Before - Spices After? Some Now Some Later?

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Assistant Cook
Sep 23, 2024
New York
Hello Everyone.

Super new to the site so FIRST thing is to thank ALL of you for your willingness to share hard (labor of love) worked for wisdom and experience.

I want to make Boudin during the next couple of evenings after work. My question has to do with what y'all think about the right time to mix in the spices for the Boudin...? Do you add your spices to the broth and boiling stage, or during the grinding stage, or half during the boil and the other half during the grinding??? And why (if you don't mind...?

I got my premade BOUDIN spice mix form REO SPICE as recommended from a guy I like to watch on YouTube.

I also have a question about fresh parsley. Do/Can I mix in the parsley before grinding or after grinding with the rice? What do you think about parsley in Boudin?

I'm all ears and SUPER open to your TOP secrets (if you're willing to share).

Thank you all so much!!!

I grew up in cajun country, so I've eaten a ton of boudin, I always have some in my freezer, but I've never made it.

I do know you add the spices, aromatics (the Trinity) and herbs to the chunks of meat before you cook and "grind" it. Then you grind it all together.

Here is a fantastic video on making boudin by a couple of NYC butchers visiting a serious boudin shop in Louisiana. You can skip forward four minutes to get your answer, but watch the whole thing to get a good understanding of making boudin.

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BTW, when you finish making your boudin, there are lots of ways to cook them to eat. I like to grill them over indirect heat. It gives them a smokey flavor, and makes the skins crisp, so you don't have to remove your stuffing from the casing.


If you have some extra stuffing, use it to make boudin balls. Flour, egg wash, bread crumbs... deep fry.


That was an interesting video. When I hear or read "boudin", I think of blood pudding. That's what it means here in Québec.
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