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Do you know I have enough energy to chat but not enough for the things I should be making time for?

(Welcome to the question thread, Neeney! Want to help us reach 20,000 questions?)
Do you know my list today is... do visa bills...clean up the butchering tarps...wash clothes... and do a freezer inventory??
Do you know mine is write 12 cheques for our strata fees, call my family to rebook Christmas Day...again!, wash towels, get hold of the insurance guy to see what is happening with our vanities and make a bunch of appointments for the new year?
Do you know I made a double recipe of almond roca last night? Will that do?

(Hi Cara, hope you had a great Christmas...we are trying for this coming Sunday) you know come to think of it.. my recipe only has it on top??? SILLY ME!!!

Hey, when do we get to see all the photos of these pretty things you made?
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