Fri. Aug. 30, '24 Dinner tonight?

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Griddled ham, string beans with new potatoes, mac-n-cheese, roasted okra and cornbread with sides of cantaloupe and refrigerator pickles.

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I had been craving frikadeller for a while, so tonight I made some and home fries. There was also homemade pickled beets, cucumber salad, and the last of the coleslaw. Yup, that's what I was craving. I have some left for reheating or for sandwiches. That very dark blob in the middle of the plate is the pickled beets. They are actually dark red/purple.
2024-08-30 frikadeller, brasse kartofler, rødbeder, og agurkesalat and coleslaw1.jpg
BBQ'd jerk chicken legs and thigh, red pepper and thick sliced onion, whole grain basmati pilaf, removed the meat from the bones diced the peppers and onion and mixed it into the rice and added some siracha just to be safe. Oh, and added a dollop of organic butter and some parm as well. :brows:
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My goodness, everyone's meals sound wonderful!
Definitely have to get those shrimp out of the freezer for tonight!

Are you able to get good wild caught North American shrimp there, or is it all farmed in Asia? Even just 300 miles from the Gulf coast, most shrimp here comes from across the pacific, which makes no sense to me. But, I can easily get wild caught Gulf shrimp. I just have to make sure to read the labels.
Ecuador, Chile, Peru and India is usually on the packages I get. But in the store? all I look at is the size and the price.
and the South American ones also usually say Wild Caught.
Ecuador, Chile, Peru and India is usually on the packages I get. But in the store? all I look at is the size and the price.
and the South American ones also usually say Wild Caught.

South American shrimp are usually wild caught. I sometimes see them from Venezuela.

Are you able to get good wild caught North American shrimp there, or is it all farmed in Asia? Even just 300 miles from the Gulf coast, most shrimp here comes from across the pacific, which makes no sense to me. But, I can easily get wild caught Gulf shrimp. I just have to make sure to read the labels.
I can get frozen, cooked shrimp that are caught in the Saint-Lawrence River estuary. If I had a fishmonger I trusted, I might be able to get those fresh, raw, never frozen. I really like them.

I can also get some frozen, raw, wild caught stuff from British Columbia. But, it's not in my budget.

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