When vegetables get slimy are they done

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Normally, if vegetables have gone slimy, I pitch them out. But if it's something like, say, a bell pepper that just has one small area starting to go bad or a cut edge (of a pepper that's already been partially used) feels slimy, yet the rest of the pepper seems to be fine, I'll just cut the slimy/bad parts off, then wash the pepper and go ahead and use it.

It really depends on how large the bad/slimy area is. If it's more than halfway ruined, it's going into the trash.
Normally, if vegetables have gone slimy, I pitch them out. But if it's something like, say, a bell pepper that just has one small area starting to go bad or a cut edge (of a pepper that's already been partially used) feels slimy, yet the rest of the pepper seems to be fine, I'll just cut the slimy/bad parts off, then wash the pepper and go ahead and use it.

It really depends on how large the bad/slimy area is. If it's more than halfway ruined, it's going into the trash.
That's pretty much how I handle it too.
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