Petty Vents

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Son had visitors with kids, so with 6 kids and 4 adults (ok, I'm nbr 5) going in and out....

SOME HOW A RUDDY BUZZING FLY GOT IN AND IS IN MY LIVING AREA! Why couldn't it have stayed upstairs where it came in!

ARGGHHH! I'm going to have to listen to it buzz all evening!
Son had visitors with kids, so with 6 kids and 4 adults (ok, I'm nbr 5) going in and out....

SOME HOW A RUDDY BUZZING FLY GOT IN AND IS IN MY LIVING AREA! Why couldn't it have stayed upstairs where it came in!

ARGGHHH! I'm going to have to listen to it buzz all evening!
At least it isn't skeeters that you have to listen to.

I'm suddenly reminded of a very cute expression I heard. Someone speaking French called them "petits quatre moteurs" (little four motors).
I have never, ever, ever had a problem removing the silver skin from a pork tenderloin.
Today I completely butchered that poor tenderloin - looks like it was clawed by an unruly dragon having a hissy fit. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Pretty sure it won't affect the taste but still...
Well, maybe you were feeling angry? (I say this from a very scary angle - flames reach widely!)

Honestly though Dragn, do you think you took something out on that poor tenderloin?
I have never, ever, ever had a problem removing the silver skin from a pork tenderloin.
Today I completely butchered that poor tenderloin - looks like it was clawed by an unruly dragon having a hissy fit. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Pretty sure it won't affect the taste but still...

I can usually buy pork tenderloin already pretty much clear of silver skin. But, sometimes I have to fight with it.

I have gotten very good at removing the membrane from the bottom of pork ribs. Takes me about ten seconds now.

Yeah, actually the miskeets are out. Out comes the smelly bug junk. Rather smelly than scratch and swat constantly.

I don't know why, but the skeeters are not that bad here... yet. All the flood control retention ponds here create a habitat for them, and they sometimes text positive for West Nile virus.

I still switch to long pants when I'm outside after dark. I can usually avoid busting out the DEET. It has to get pretty bad for that stinky stuff to come out.

The skeeters we have here are primarily ankle biters, so the long pans and socks usually do the trick.

Katy, probably towards the end there. Man, I was so frustrated!
casey, as I've mentioned in other threads concerning ribs, I never remove that membrane - I like it!
and yes, I know the silverskin and that membrane are pretty much indigestible, but on the ribs I get a great deal of satisfaction tearing it off with my teeth. It is crunchy and chewy with all the seasoning on it.

A trick I learned from good ol' Youtube. Use a paper towel (or dish towel!) to dry and hold the meat. Amazing how easy it becomes.
The first whole beef tenderloin I sectioned up was a disaster, slipping and sliding all over the place. Next one I did (and after the video) I used towels and oh my! what a difference! Bit of laundry to do after but beautiful cuts of meat made it all worth while.
casey, although the miskeets are out - like you, they don't seem to be very bad this year. I do admit - I'm not outside too much at the bad times.
I don't notice them around my ankles too much - it's when they are in my face and ears that drive me insane.
Katy, probably towards the end there. Man, I was so frustrated!
casey, as I've mentioned in other threads concerning ribs, I never remove that membrane - I like it!
and yes, I know the silverskin and that membrane are pretty much indigestible, but on the ribs I get a great deal of satisfaction tearing it off with my teeth. It is crunchy and chewy with all the seasoning on it.

A trick I learned from good ol' Youtube. Use a paper towel (or dish towel!) to dry and hold the meat. Amazing how easy it becomes.
The first whole beef tenderloin I sectioned up was a disaster, slipping and sliding all over the place. Next one I did (and after the video) I used towels and oh my! what a difference! Bit of laundry to do after but beautiful cuts of meat made it all worth while.

Yes, paper towels are the trick for removing rib membranes, and apparently silver skin on tenderloin.

I use towels to even remove the skin from salmon when necessary. No problem - just as easy as removing the silverskin from meat.... duh...
Thankfully I've never had a problem with salmon skin. (as she knocks on wood to avoid a curse.)
I'm sitting in an A320 at a gate in Houston waiting for AA maintenance to fix something. I've been sitting here for almost two hours. So far, everyone is taking it well. The captain is not being told what's going on, so there's nothing he can do.

What a week it's been, and it is not over.

I'm sitting in an A320 at a gate in Houston waiting for AA maintenance to fix something. I've been sitting here for almost two hours. So far, everyone is taking it well. The captain is not being told what's going on, so there's nothing he can do.

What a week it's been, and it is not over.


Update: The plane is too broken, so we had to get off. They are trying to get us another plane, but Houston is not an AA hub.

Looks like another airport meal... time to take out a loan.

You going back to Dallas? Why don't you drive? It's only 3.5 hours, no? A half hour to the airport, hour at the airport, an hour flight, a half hour home. Three hours and with an extra 1/2 hour - you're home! Plus you like cars so you must like to drive!

Plus you have your own transportation at destination. - I'm sure the gas would not be as much as the flight tickets.
OR - make friends at the local flight school. Someone will need the extra hours!
Not sure what kind of a deal you can make, pictures of them flying? Who knows! Worth a try!

or cook them a steak?
You going back to Dallas? Why don't you drive? It's only 3.5 hours, no? A half hour to the airport, hour at the airport, an hour flight, a half hour home. Three hours and with an extra 1/2 hour - you're home! Plus you like cars so you must like to drive!

Plus you have your own transportation at destination. - I'm sure the gas would not be as much as the flight tickets.

It is almost 5 hours from my house to where my family lives, with bathroom breaks and a meal if you get hungry, and it is a miserable drive. All Interstate highway with at least fifty percent big truck traffic. Over the last 30-ish years, I reckon I've spent at least $3,000 on damage to my own cars from debris tossed up by trucks, and had the whole front end of a very expensive SRT-8 media car scattered on I-45 once by the blowout remnants of an 18-wheeler (Chrysler paid for that one -- but I wrote a great article about the car in return :ROFLMAO: ). Oh, and there was the time I got hit by an F0 tornado just north of Houston. Luckily, that car wasn't mine, and it just got a cracked windshield. By that time I had started renting cars for that drive, and Hertz got stuck with that bill.

Dallas to Austin is great, because I can take the winding two-lane backroads, and have a pleasurable drive and not have to dodge truck-tire carcasses. Dallas to Houston doesn't have that option.

There have been plans for high-speed rail between Dallas and Houston for a good fifty years, but that kind of thing is too "woke" for Texas "Gubment" to get behind.

oh WOW! Have no idea what your highways over there are like, but it's true, the last couple of times I drove Mtl - Ft Lauderdale, the highway was much more congested than previous years. But certainly not trucker debris!

Although not certain, maybe it was something thrown up by them, will never know. Had a semi in front of me, a semi behind me and a semi beside me on my right. My driver's window suddenly exploded into me. Only thing I could do was keep on going, trying to keep every thing evenly spaced.

Guess it wasn't bad considering how many trips I did over a 12 (?) year span (probably about 14 per year?) My ex did a lot more, many of which I did with him and don't remember him/us ever having something like that happen, LOL.
I've also done my fair share of country roads, but Interstate's straight thru are no problem. Doing a 6 hour trip to Quebec in August (used to be 7/8 hours for doggy stops)- be interesting to see how I handle it now.

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