What did you eat June 30, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Pan-fried boneless thin cut strip steak, and pasta salad.

Homemade sushi. One slice of Craig's spicy tuna rolls at 12 o'clock, also have cucumber and scallions. He got 3 rolls made. Left side is shrimp, asparagus, avocado, scallions, cucumber, 1 with carrots. 2 of those rolls. Right Side is a vegetable roll, spinach, carrots, avocado, scallions, and cucumber. 2 of those rolls. The tuna roll used kimchi base, the rest wasabi. All rolls cut into 8 pieces, so we have lots of sushi.
Lunch was collards, mashed potatoes, corn, mushroom gravy. Dinner will be vidalia onion slabs with sauce of choice. He'll probably have stir fry sauce and I'll have pizza sauce.
Dessert: guava sweet potato frozen dessert.
Yup, it's true, the road to he** is paved with good intentions. I had my last 3 hot dogs, no buns, just dipped in ketchup.

I do have a strip loin drying in the fridge, for tomorrow? or next day.... depends on how bumpy the road to h3ll is.

Sorry, I just have to post this Dirty Harry clip...

That always cracks me up.

I made a ratatouille type dish today, using the first eggplants of the season, some of the first tomatoes, and about 1/2 c minced scapes, for the garlic flavor. Originally, I was going to make a caponata, but I wanted to use up a bunch of basil, from those plants in my hydroponics, so I made the ratatouille type dish. And I cooked up some chana dal and quinoa a couple of days ago, and refrigerated it, until I added it today, to add some bulk to it, and make it a one dish meal (at least that it's served out of!).

I started a couple of days ago, first that 3/4 c chana dal, and 1/3 c black quinoa, cooked in the IP, then drained, cooled, and refrigerated. And almost 2 lbs of eggplant in cubes, salted, then drained, and refrigerated (I usually use these things the same day, but I got busy too late these last 2 days!). Today, I drained the EP again, patted dry, then cooked them in 3 batches in a NS pan, in very little oil, and set aside. While cooking those, I started the sauce in the Instant Pot, on Sauté medium, cooking a chopped onion in about 3 tb olive oil. I minced about 1/2 c garlic scapes, and added this to the softened onion, and cooked about a minute, then added about 8 anchovies, I minced up with about 3 tb of that olive paste, a tsp of pepper flakes, and after about 30 seconds, I added the liquid from the tomatoes, to cook down. By now, the 3rd batch of eggplant was finished, and set aside in a bowl, to cool. The fresh tomatoes I cut up into chunks, then puréed in the Vitamix - got about 20 oz. Then I added the drained 28 oz can of plum tomatoes, and puréed it roughly, leaving some texture. I added this to the IP, with a tsp of thyme, and the first 3 tb chopped basil, and let the sauce simmer about 15 min, while cleaning up most of the mess. Then I added the eggplant, and simmered about 10 minutes, and stirred in that chana dal/quinoa mix, tasted for salt, and stirred in about a tb of fish sauce, and after about 2 minutes of simmering, I added the last half cup of chopped basil. I finished it off with some grated Reggiano.
Starting the ratatouille like dish, in the Instant Pot, starting with the onion, scapes, bell peppers, olive paste, and minced anchovies. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The tomatoes added to the ratatouille, plus some thyme and a couple of tb of basil, cooking down some. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Almost 2 lbs of eggplant, salted and sautéed, before adding to the sauce, then simmered 10 min. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

3/4 c chana dal, precooked with 1/3 c black quinoa, and added to the ratatouille, for some extra protein and bulk. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished ratatouille, with a few non-traditional ingredients, before I grated some Reggiano on it. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I made a ratatouille type dish today, using the first eggplants of the season, some of the first tomatoes, and about 1/2 c minced scapes, for the garlic flavor. Originally, I was going to make a caponata, but I wanted to use up a bunch of basil, from those plants in my hydroponics, so I made the ratatouille type dish. And I cooked up some chana dal and quinoa a couple of days ago, and refrigerated it, until I added it today, to add some bulk to it, and make it a one dish meal (at least that it's served out of!).

Finished ratatouille, with a few non-traditional ingredients, before I grated some Reggiano on it. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Looks great... but would it pass the ultimate taste test?


As much as I hate rats, I loved that movie. :ROFLMAO:

Stirling's brother came over to look for a specific book that the other brother wants from Stirling's library. He found it. It's actually a series of books. Then we went to supper at my favourite Greek resto. I had bacon wrapped scallops. It came with a house salad, Greek roasted potatoes and some really good rice pilaf. I have missed those scallops. We did order meals from this resto during the pandammit. By the time they got delivered they were very disappointing. They just don't travel well. Today, in the resto, they were as I remembered, fabulous.
LOL - is that the one we went to, taxy? They were good, I'm pretty sure that's what I had too. Think I took a doggy bag home but of course, they weren't as good later.

Maya was after a squirrel but TTT she's not really that high. That huge maple (gads hope it's still there!) had multiple trunks started quite low. Favourite tree for the grands to climb... with a very nervous Dad underneath. LOL.
LOL - is that the one we went to, taxy? They were good, I'm pretty sure that's what I had too. Think I took a doggy bag home but of course, they weren't as good later.

Maya was after a squirrel but TTT she's not really that high. That huge maple (gads hope it's still there!) had multiple trunks started quite low. Favourite tree for the grands to climb... with a very nervous Dad underneath. LOL.
Yup, we went to La Porte Grecque.

I did wonder if Maya getting into that tree had something do with squirrels.
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