Thinking of traveling to Egypt and Saudi Arabia...

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I was thinking about not going but all of you have given such good advice I am going to take the plunge. I will keep ya'll all updated. I am really looking forward to going. My goal is to go in spring of 2025 because no way am I going in the summer.
I was thinking about not going but all of you have given such good advice I am going to take the plunge. I will keep ya'll all updated. I am really looking forward to going. My goal is to go in spring of 2025 because no way am I going in the summer.
Dude, that's awesome that you're going on a trip to Egypt and Saudi Arabia! That's seriously legit. I've read a ton about Saudi Arabia - places like Medina and Mecca are totally one-of-a-kind. I'm not sure if regular tourists are even allowed in, but I bet there's still a ton of other cool stuff to see around there.
Under a password in cloud storage, scan in all sides of all your documents, tickets, passport, credit cards, information on your banks, phone numbers, other password information. Put a copy on your phone under good security.
If your money, wallet, credit cards, passport, luggage, phone are all stolen or lost, you will still need your information at a consulate to get home and survive. Then in the worst situation you can access what you need.
yeah, there's two things you should seriously check out.
Dress code for the different places you go. Even within the same country. Bare arms, low necklines, shorts, etc...
forbidden - allowable things - whether it is something you might bring with you or pick-up there to bring back. Or even going from one country to another - are the things you have that were allowed, are they allowed in the next country.

Your travel agent should be able to fill you in on all those things. If they can't - find another agent.

I'm a wee bit jealous! Take a detour, zip over to see Badjak - then head up to see Meryl!
I've read that between October and April are the best times to go to Egypt.

In fact we went in March, way back in 2007. Still full Winter, over here. It was warm and sunny, perfect temperatures - 20s (70s) - my kids were very young and they enjoyed a splash in the hotel swimming pool. 😃

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