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Well, I have another help subject.

Can someone tell me of some other sites besides Craigslist or Facebook Market Place to look up people selling items in my area.
In Canada we have "Varagesale" - they operate in different area's that you can choose. Example, here in Waterdown, there is Toronto, Hamilton that I would include in my search and sales. You can add or subtract towns/areas.
Perhaps you have something like that?
as in Fireplace Mantels?
you might try scrap yards that take in materials from renovations.
or perhaps you might have luck by putting it in the Want category of the various sites.
Even from the first time I heard about them, as much as I loved the idea, I still thought that all that sludge going into the sewage system was not quite right.
I like taxy's idea that if there was a filtering system, to let the liquids drain off and the rest collected separately for your compost or the city's compost.
Especially in older homes that still have metal pipes with years of build-up... ask me how I know - and I've never had a garborator.

There has been a disposal in every kitchen in every house I've ever lived in, and I'm in my sixties. I don't recall ever having a plumbing issue caused by a disposal.

Habitat for Humanity sells old stuff in "restores". Well, at least they do in Canada. Worth checking it out. You might also want to check some recycling places. I am pretty sure we have one in Montreal that has furniture and architectural stuff. I don't remember much about it, since the last time I looked was before the pandammit. Now that I think about it, I might have found out about the "restores" when looking for places that recycle stuff (like old computers). In any case, they had a website with a lot of their inventory listed.
Habitat for Humanity sells old stuff in "restores". Well, at least they do in Canada. Worth checking it out. You might also want to check some recycling places. I am pretty sure we have one in Montreal that has furniture and architectural stuff. I don't remember much about it, since the last time I looked was before the pandammit. Now that I think about it, I might have found out about the "restores" when looking for places that recycle stuff (like old computers). In any case, they had a website with a lot of their inventory listed.

They have Habitat ReStores here, too. There are 10 of them in the Dallas Area. I don't know what they have as far as antique items, though.

There has been a disposal in every kitchen in every house I've ever lived in, and I'm in my sixties. I don't recall ever having a plumbing issue caused by a disposal.

As I mentioned before the city's were having more of a problem. Problems within your city property were your cost, problems just outside your property were city costs.

Just looked it up, they are banned in Canada, Europe and New York (although later re-instated???). (Edit: many states and towns have their own laws concerning them.)

and as per one web site:
Garbage disposals put a lot of strain on the septic tanks as the discharges from garbage disposals are specifically more greasy and solid.

And for these reasons, the septic tank needs to be pumped more than it would otherwise require. This additional stress on septic tanks reduces their lifespan as well.

casey, were any of these homes you lived in built before 1960?
As I mentioned before the city's were having more of a problem. Problems within your city property were your cost, problems just outside your property were city costs.

Just looked it up, they are banned in Canada, Europe and New York (although later re-instated???). (Edit: many states and towns have their own laws concerning them.)

and as per one web site:
Garbage disposals put a lot of strain on the septic tanks as the discharges from garbage disposals are specifically more greasy and solid.

And for these reasons, the septic tank needs to be pumped more than it would otherwise require. This additional stress on septic tanks reduces their lifespan as well.

casey, were any of these homes you lived in built before 1960?

I've heard that disposals are not septic tank friendly, although newer aerobic systems may be okay for them. I don't know, as I've never had a septic tank.

The first house I lived in was built in 1960. The town we lived in was founded in 1878, so the city sewer system was likely a mix of old and new. Old sewer systems were not great. Some old cities even have just one sewer system for waste water and storm drainage. Not allowed, anymore.

Seems like the decision should be made on a local basis, determined by the age, condition and capacity of the local sewer system. Why should newer suburbs be forced to adhere to rules made for old urban communities?

casey, were any of these homes you lived in built before 1960?
I live in a city that was established in 1752 and my house was built in 1910. The kitchen is newer, probably added on in the 1940s. We had some issues with an old garbage disposal - lettuce would clog it and DH had to snake it out. That hasn't been a problem since we renovated in 2007 and got a new one.
I live in a city that was established in 1752 and my house was built in 1910. The kitchen is newer, probably added on in the 1940s. We had some issues with an old garbage disposal - lettuce would clog it and DH had to snake it out. That hasn't been a problem since we renovated in 2007 and got a new one.

When I replaced my disposal five or so years ago, I bought a "Tim the Toolman" level unit... a full 1HP motor. :cool: :ROFLMAO:

When I bought my condo in 1999, I read the condo rules to say no garbage disposals allowed. I was bummed but resigned to the fact. Later on, reading the rules for something else, I saw that the rules said that disposals ARE allowed. I dropped everything and ran to the hardware store and bought one. I would not want to be without.
If you have something useful and don't really need the money there is a website called Freecycle, but asking for money is forbidden. Post your offer and conditions, like "you must pick-up" to the ad. People have picked up all that I have offered and once I met halfway, travel wise...
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