What did you eat Wednesday, April 24, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.

Grilled cheese panini and a bowl of soup. I say "panini" because I made it with a hard roll cooked on my panini press, instead of the traditional sliced white bread.

Well here, maybe not a Hard Roll, but definitely a roll, certainly not 'bread' per se is the common thing to use making panini.

so tonight I had my low-carb/no-carb meal...
a frozen Vongole (Canadian product) cutest damn little clams you ever did see, in a sauce of white wine, tomatoes and all the normal seasonings (I guess). Served on some Konjac Fettuccine (which are great! but horribly expensive) Neither had any carbs (Yea!) but OMG, didn't read until I tasted, the clams and sauce had 596 grs of SALT. What a bummer! I have another small plate of it - not too sure how I'll get thru it - can't bear to think of throwing it out!

Total Carbs today is 40.3 (and I won't tell you how much of that is the wine). But I'm strangely satisfied. Not hungry. We can do this!
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Is there an Asian market close? I bought some a few days ago for $3 for 7.5 oz.
Yes, mine was a 210 g pkg as well but for $4.99 CA (3.65US) so same, same. But I can possibly get 2 meals out of the one, small mind you but good enough to satisfy. I still have yet to get my bod to an Asian market, perhaps it will be even cheaper there.
Well here, maybe not a Hard Roll, but definitely a roll, certainly not 'bread' per se is the common thing to use making panini.

so tonight I had my low-carb/no-carb meal...
a frozen Vongole (Canadian product) cutest damn little clams you ever did see, in a sauce of white wine, tomatoes and all the normal seasonings (I guess). Served on some Konjac Fettuccine (which are great! but horribly expensive) Neither had any carbs (Yea!) but OMG, didn't read until I tasted, the clams and sauce had 596 grs of SALT. What a bummer! I have another small plate of it - not too sure how I'll get thru it - can't bear to think of throwing it out!

Total Carbs today is 40.3 (and I won't tell you how much of that is the wine). But I'm strangely satisfied. Not hungry. We can do this!
Maybe you could add some unsalted chicken broth or cream, cut up the fettuccine, and turn it into a soup.
I flipped breakfast and dinner, so had fermented 9 grain flakes with carrot/apple/pineapple slaw and some blueberries to top it off.
Dragnlaw-it might be mgs, not grs, milligrams not grams?
Yes, mine was a 210 g pkg as well but for $4.99 CA (3.65US) so same, same. But I can possibly get 2 meals out of the one, small mind you but good enough to satisfy. I still have yet to get my bod to an Asian market, perhaps it will be even cheaper there.
I only used the 1 package for our meal for 2, and there was still some left over. Also, I didn't even use quite all of it because the recipe only called for like 6 ounces.
bliss you are correct, the pkg does say 596 mg... but that is still 25% of the daily nutritional quotient. But more to the point, it just tasted horribly salty! Plus I miscalculated the Vongole and have to add 2 g to my 40 for the day. I can still live with that.
Although the pkg did not actually say it was 3-4 servings it rather hinted like it should... well, again, not in my books with my friends that would have only served two for sure.

LOL, medtran, I'm not going to split hairs on 1 oz of the fettuccine for a recipe. I just split it in two. 1 oz would not make a meal I could eat later.
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