HELP! How Long Will This Cake Last?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Best Rum cake1.jpg

I made this cake on Sunday December 6th.
The ingredient list is:
Betty Crocker Butter Super Moist Butter Recipe Yellow Cake Mix
Great Value Vanilla Instant Pudding
Vegetable Oil
Rum, 3/4 cups worth to be exact: 1/2 c in the batter and 1/4 c in a glaze with the butter and water

Once cooled, I package each cake in a thick plastic bag, extrude as much air as I can and seal the bag with a twist tie.
This all goes into a pretty tightly sealed cake tin and then boxed up in a USPS medium sized Flate Rate Box, stuffed with a TON of plastic grocery bags as box filler.
And like my Grandmother, I tape it up pretty well.

This cake was suppose to be delivered in California, a tiny little town in the San Joaquín Valley, on Friday December 11th, I mailed it out on the 7th.

My fingers are crossed that it's sat in a fairly cool environment since departing Arizona, where it's been very cool.

It's looking like it should arrive on Monday December 14th, but there's no promises at this point :mad:

This cake is going to my Mother's friend, who is quite elderly and I'm hoping she doesn't try to eat a cake that's gone south.
She does look forward to my Rum Cake each year, and won't share it with anyone ... "Get your own! This is all mine!" :LOL:

What do y'all think?
There's no way to tell. It might be delayed even longer, now that the coronavirus vaccine is being delivered to hospitals and clinics all over the country. It's taking up capacity for FedEx and UPS deliveries. The rum might preserve it somewhat, but I don't think we can say how long it will last.
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LOL.... wrote out about 3 or 4 questions, in the end just deleted them all -

is there anything you can do if we were all to scream!

Deed is done but truth to tell, and I'm honestly not aware of temps between you and there, but I would say, not to worry.

A heavily rummed cake should be just fine, (we hope).
LOL.... wrote out about 3 or 4 questions, in the end just deleted them all -

is there anything you can do if we were all to scream!

Deed is done but truth to tell, and I'm honestly not aware of temps between you and there, but I would say, not to worry.

A heavily rummed cake should be just fine, (we hope).

That's kinda what I was thinking in the back of my head.
And, oh let me tell ya, I've already been screaming since Friday!
This is the third box that I've sent out that has been way-laid on
it's way to California!! What's up with Cali?

DH wants me to fill a complaint with USPS, but it's not been 14
days after the excepted delivery date, so ...

I think this will be the last year I mail stuff to folks


That's kinda what I was thinking in the back of my head.

And, oh let me tell ya, I've already been screaming since Friday!
This is the third box that I've sent out that has been way-laid on it's way to California!! What's up with Cali?

DH wants me to fill a complaint with USPS, but it's not been 14 days after the excepted delivery date, so ...

I think this will be the last year I mail stuff to folks

View attachment 44427

Or, you could spend the next year getting comfortable with homemade fruit preserves, pickles, condiments and home-canned foods that are shelf-stable and perfect for mailing. It's easier than you might think.
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