Extended Camp

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Sous Chef
Jun 21, 2006
Ephesus Georgia
We took our new RV to Gulf State Park and are staying here a month and a week. I fired up my Akorn Jr and did steaks the other nite.




Our camp site




I paint rocks and hide them for folks in the area to find. Fun hobby.


Did some canvas panel painting too.

Good stuff. We have never gone longer than 8 days. I guess we're just wimps, but we get to missing civilization, or at least our comfortable bed, after a few days. The way it's designed, there's just no way to turn the bed in the camper into anything other than a padded slab.


RVing is something that I've thought of doing
ever since we retired 11 years ago.
But I just can't get DH on board.

As for Painted Rocks *squeeee* love that one there!!


It's my new hobby and I'm really enjoying it.
I belong to a coupla PaintedRock groups on FB
and everyone who has relied that they'd
found one of my rocks said that it made their day.
That really warms my heart :)
Good stuff. We have never gone longer than 8 days. I guess we're just wimps, but we get to missing civilization, or at least our comfortable bed, after a few days. The way it's designed, there's just no way to turn the bed in the camper into anything other than a padded slab.

Hey, the longest I ever made it in my camper was six days, so you beat me by two. :)




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Paymaster, it looks like you have all the comforts of home, just in a different setting. Enjoy! Very nice artwork, too.

Hey, the longest I ever made it in my camper was six days...
But casey, I bet your body felt like it was three weeks. ;) Himself said that your camper is so small, you have to go outside to change your mind.
But casey, I bet your body felt like it was three weeks. ;) Himself said that your camper is so small, you have to go outside to change your mind.

Actually, I had a very comfortable bed, and believe it or not, air-conditioning (that took some serious backyard engineering, but it worked).

Thanks Y'all! We are having a blast. We will have four grand boys here week after next! That will add to the fun!!!!

Love painting rocks. My brother got me into that. I paint them and leave them around for folks to find.
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