What have you had for lunch lately?

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I heated up a few leftover empanadas from Tuesday night's dinner. Sour cream and salsa for dipping made it a great lunch.
Looks good, kgirl! :yum:

I guess I have a weird eating schedule :LOL: - I don't have lunch (unless I go out to lunch with my daughter or a friend). I usually have a pretty big breakfast, snack later in the day....maybe an apple or some cheese and crackers - and then have an early dinner. Usually another snack late evening - sometimes a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast with cheese. Sometimes I pig out and eat all day, but usually breakfast and dinner are my biggies.
Weird schedule here, too, Cheryl. Breakfast is rarely worth mentioning - no need for me to post "my oatmeal today included..." every day. :rolleyes: Lunch? There's lunch? There isn't enough time between my breakfast (which might be as late as four hours after I get up) and supper for me to squeeze a lunch in there. :LOL:
Weird schedule here, too, Cheryl. Breakfast is rarely worth mentioning - no need for me to post "my oatmeal today included..." every day. :rolleyes: Lunch? There's lunch? There isn't enough time between my breakfast (which might be as late as four hours after I get up) and supper for me to squeeze a lunch in there. :LOL:

:LOL: I also don't eat breakfast until a couple of hours after I get up in the morning. Usually it's coffee and/or iced tea, shower, and then I feel human enough to cook something. :LOL:

When I was caring for my mom for several years, breakfast, lunch and dinner was pretty much 8:00, 1:00, and 6:00. After she passed away, it took quite a while to get out of that scheduled routine and into something that worked for me.
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Lunch for me is usually salad bar and soup at the restaurant or Chinese Buffet. I stick in a trip to Arby's sometimes.

I have not been cooking for almost a year, now.
Lunch for me is usually salad bar and soup at the restaurant or Chinese Buffet. I stick in a trip to Arby's sometimes.

I have not been cooking for almost a year, now.

I can easily understand. When you are the caretaker for an ill relative, they reach a point where they don't want to eat any more. And it is easier to just eat out. That is my problem. I am never hungry, but I eat to try and gain some of the weight I lost. Eighty four pounds and counting. Trying to reach 100.
I didn't get a picture, but,
I made us two Grilled Cheese and Split Hot Dog on White Bread Sandwiches
They were actually very good!

I make those for Jeannie and myself when we decide we don't want a planned meal.. Love em...

I seldom buy white bread but always have ciabatta rolls in the freezer, to put together impulse sandwiches when desired.. :yum:

I have such a small appetite that even a half sandwich hits the spot quite often. I always have a three egg salad with celery and onion in the fridge. Makes the perfect snack. And no work when I am feeling lazy. :wacko:
Today was National Homemade Soup Day!
So what did I make for lunch?
Italian Wedding Soup.jpg
Italian Wedding Soup
My version anyways.
I used homemade Chicken Stock to start and went from there...
Now that's not my homemade Bread, its from TJ's but good none the less.
Its been a cold, rainy, yucky kinda day... we're suppose to get SNOW later...:clap:
Today for me it was a HUGE helping of Eggplant Parm. It was so fresh. Spike bought it for me from Meridian Market. The old Italian lady that does all the cooking, has been their for ages. She is the only one who does any of the cooking. Her grandchildren now run the store except for the cooking. She won't let anyone else do it. (Shhh! I am glad. More good food for me!) Even the dog loved it.
I worked late, so on my way home I stopped at a cheese shop, then a bakery and picked up a wheel of Brie, and a mini wheel of Camembert, and fresh, still-hot Kaiser rolls.

My boy and I enjoyed a really nice lunch of the cheeses, a ripe pear, and the fresh rolls.

So simple, but OMG so good.


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Portuguese Bean Soup
Man oh man oh man oh MAN!!!
THAT was not only ONO (that's delicious in Hawaiian)
but heart, soul and body warming.
We got 3 1/4 inches of snow last night,
and it can't decide to snow again
or sleet or both!

This is a true comfort dish from Hawaii,
using Portuguese Sausage
or Linguisa, smoked Ham Hocks, and veg.
I add the cooked Cabbage and Macaroni separately
to each bowl as I serve it.

I read over maybe 6 or 7 different recipes before deciding on my own version of this Hawaii-Style Soup.
But Chef Keoni probably is the closet style that I use...


We met my SIL (DH's sister) and BIL as well as their good friend at
Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Lagoon, fronting the
Hilton Hawaiian Village for the afternoon.

Food Trucks on Oahu have always been a thing.
I can remember my Dad taking me to my first one
at Kewalo Basin Harbor at a very young age, and
I ain't exactly a spring chicken now :LOL:

... back to lunch yesterday ...

There's been this great Food Truck at the Lagoon
for a pretty good long time, and every thing
they serve is wonderful!
Gilligan's Beach Shack
We shared a fresh Mahi Mahi Taco Plate,
I was so excited that I forgot to take a photo!
I guess we'll need to go back!!! :yum:
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