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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
This is going to be a ridiculous request that I need help with. The meatloaf I have made the past two times has been too moist. Not to me, but to my husband. He would like a more 'chewy' meatloaf. So please help.

For each lb of hamburger I usually add, a handful or more of bread or cracker crumbs, 1 egg, salt and pepper, some ketchup or tomato sauce.

Later today I'm making meatloaf again, can you make suggestions so that I make a more chewy meatloaf?
Rather than putting it in the meat, I put ketchup on top as a glaze about 10 minutes before it's done cooking. To flavor it up, I add one minced clove of garlic, a tsp of Worcestershire sauce and about a half teaspoon of dried sage.
Rather than putting it in the meat, I put ketchup on top as a glaze about 10 minutes before it's done cooking. To flavor it up, I add one minced clove of garlic, a tsp of Worcestershire sauce and about a half teaspoon of dried sage.

Okay, so the ketchup on the top at the end of baking, flavorings like garlic and worcestershire, I can't go with sage, maybe thyme, an egg, and a 1/4th cup of crumbs (I'm going to crumb it sparcely), s and p. A plan? I'll let you both know how this turns out. I'm thinking I may need to bake it a little longer. I've given some thought to adding some gelatin, as a chewy type factor, but I don't know yet.

(sage kind of strikes me as a chicken/turkey spice)
Okay, so the ketchup on the top at the end of baking, flavorings like garlic and worcestershire, I can't go with sage, maybe thyme, an egg, and a 1/4th cup of crumbs (I'm going to crumb it sparcely), s and p. A plan? I'll let you both know how this turns out. I'm thinking I may need to bake it a little longer. I've given some thought to adding some gelatin, as a chewy type factor, but I don't know yet.

(sage kind of strikes me as a chicken/turkey spice)

We love it with sage, and there are quite a few Italian dishes that pair beef and pork with sage, but if you prefer thyme, go for it :) btw, I use a mix of 1 lb. ground beef and 1/2 lb. ground pork for meatloaf and meatballs.

Your plan sounds good. I bake mine in a loaf pan for about an hour and a half. I also pour off the juices as soon as I take it out of the oven, so they don't get reabsorbed into the meat. Then I use them to make gravy, because what's meatloaf without mashed potatoes and gravy? ;) :yum:
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We love it with sage, and there are quite a few Italian dishes that pair beef and pork with sage, but if you prefer thyme, go for it :) btw, I use a mix of 1 lb. ground beef and 1/2 lb. ground pork for meatloaf and meatballs.

Your plan sounds good. I bake mine in a loaf pan for about an hour and a half. I also pour off the juices as soon as I take it out of the oven, so they don't get reabsorbed into the meat. Then I use them to make gravy, because what's meatloaf without mashed potatoes and gravy? ;) :yum:

I never pour off the juices and maybe that is a big factor. I never thought of that. All this time I thought people wanted moist meatloaf but I might be overdoing it. I'm looking for some jerky meatloaf, lol :LOL:;)
I never pour off the juices and maybe that is a big factor. I never thought of that. All this time I thought people wanted moist meatloaf but I might be overdoing it. I'm looking for some jerky meatloaf, lol :LOL:;)

Sounds like DH want his meatloaf with the texture of a hamburger. Nothing wrong with that, just not normal.
Sounds like DH want his meatloaf with the texture of a hamburger. Nothing wrong with that, just not normal.

I'm starting to get that. He's not normal and I'm not normal, we are truly freaks and I have no problem with that! The greatest part is that anyone else's opinion of us is really none of our business. We probably ought to care but we don't.

Sir Loin, my mom used to use oatmeal too and I think maybe that is what I'm looking for. Oatmeal has some gelatin like qualities. Something to absorb all the liquids and dry it all out. I shouldn't probably throw out the dishwater with the baby, just because momma was bizzarre, doesn't mean her recipes were bad.
I'm starting to get that. He's not normal and I'm not normal, we are truly freaks and I have no problem with that! The greatest part is that anyone else's opinion of us is really none of our business. We probably ought to care but we don't...

You shouldn't care. One of the reasons we cook for ourselves is so we can eat what we want.
Thank you for the opinions and telling me some awesome ideas, I felt like I was failing at meatloaf but you all have great ideas and I appreciate it.
I'm starting to get that. He's not normal and I'm not normal, we are truly freaks and I have no problem with that! The greatest part is that anyone else's opinion of us is really none of our business. We probably ought to care but we don't.

Why ought you to care what people think of you? Just be you and enjoy yourselves! :LOL:

Sir Loin, my mom used to use oatmeal too and I think maybe that is what I'm looking for. Oatmeal has some gelatin like qualities. Something to absorb all the liquids and dry it all out. I shouldn't probably throw out the dishwater with the baby, just because momma was bizzarre, doesn't mean her recipes were bad.

The thing is, when you put things in that absorb the liquids - like the breadcrumbs - the liquids are still in there. You need to reduce the liquids or pour them out, like I mentioned.
Skip the catsup and tomato sauce, add it as a side sauce or glaze if you want. Use leaner meat, less bread crumbs and, add in small diced onions or bell peppers. You may want to ask DH if he would prefer you make a brown gravy with it rather than a tomato based sauce for it.

Bread holds fats and juices, so less of that, tomato is liquid, don't add that either. Stop thinking meatloaf and think hamburger patty loaf with flavorful veggie bits mixed in - that should suit him. Not a normal meatloaf but, some people like it that way. Myself included because I am used to venison and rabbit for my meats, that makes a drier, more like a hamburger patty type of meat loaf. I find the ones with catsup or tomato sauce in them mushy, too much like farina to be a good entrée for dinner - too soft.
I use uncooked rolled oats instead of bread crumbs. Just enough to hold meat together.
Use the Swedish meatball recipe, make into loaf and bake as you do. That is what I use.
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