Trader Joe's products you have tried

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Trader Joe's Product That Got Discounted

yep, that's right.
One of my favorite meals from TJ's was their frozen
Pork Roast Florentine
I asked why they would no longer carry it,
and all I got was that they had issues with the manufacturer.
We loved it!
Pop that baby into the oven with some potatoes along side,
a veg and you've got dinner.
Trader Joe products you have tried

What a shame, that pork looks wonderful!
yep, that's right.
One of my favorite meals from TJ's was their frozen
Pork Roast Florentine
View attachment 24592
I asked why they would no longer carry it,
and all I got was that they had issues with the manufacturer.

We loved it!
Pop that baby into the oven with some potatoes along side,
a veg and you've got dinner.

Kgirl, I got into a conversation with one of the employees on the floor about that subject. I was looking for the beautiful bagged olives. She said if manufactures of a product have supply on demand issues for example, TJ's will drop the item. Can you imagine how many outfits would love to sell to TJ's but couldn't keep up with the production required? Sounds like a story from Shark Tank.
Kgirl, I got into a conversation with one of the employees on the floor about that subject. I was looking for the beautiful bagged olives. She said if manufactures of a product have supply on demand issues for example, TJ's will drop the item. Can you imagine how many outfits would love to sell to TJ's but couldn't keep up with the production required? Sounds like a story from Shark Tank.

Doesn't it?
Bea are you talking about the frozen fish in boxes, or the flash frozen fish in cryovac packaging? If it's the latter, I love their Mahi Mahi, and also the Cod. The chunked Alaskan Cod is a better buy than the fillets of Cod. That's what I used for my Ceviche a couple nights ago. I've also broiled or baked the chunks in the oven in a nice sauce.
The Mahi Mahi, is great several ways, and I love it just seasoned and browned in a skillet, or on the grill or broiled.
I like buying fish at TJ's as it's never been defrosted and sitting around some fish case somewhere, for who knows how long.
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Do any of you use TJ's frozen fish fillets and if so which items do you prefer and how do you prepare them?


Aunt Bea, I've bought the frozen (cryolock) Haddock and broiled it for fish tacos (just sprinkle some taco seasoning on it, I make my own) ... also I've bought the breaded fish (was it cod?) and served it baked with TJ's Handsome French Fries with a nice dish of tartar sauce, MMM! Can you say Fish and Chips?
Bea are you talking about the frozen fish in boxes, or the flash frozen fish in cryovac packaging? If it's the latter, I love their Mahi Mahi, and also the Cod. The chunked Alaskan Cod is a better buy than the fillets of Cod. That's what I used for my Ceviche a couple nights ago. I've also broiled or baked the chunks in the oven in a nice sauce.
The Mahi Mahi, is great several ways, and I love it just seasoned and browned in a skillet, or on the grill or broiled.
I like buying fish at TJ's as it's never been defrosted and sitting around some fish case somewhere.

Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm interested in IQF fillets. I have read that TJ's tends to freeze fish in clumps of fillets that require you to thaw and use the entire package, that would not work for me. I will swing by TJ's tomorrow and take a look at what they have. I like to bake fish plain with a little butter and a few bread crumbs or on a bed of vegetables with a sauce of some type, pretty basic.
Aunt Bea, I've bought the frozen (cryolock) Haddock and broiled it for fish tacos (just sprinkle some taco seasoning on it, I make my own) ... also I've bought the breaded fish (was it cod?) and served it baked with TJ's Handsome French Fries with a nice dish of tartar sauce, MMM! Can you say Fish and Chips?

I like the idea of broiled fish for tacos, that would be a change from my basic taco salad.
When you visit tomorrow, you'll be glad to see the fillets of fish are frozen side by side in usually packages of two fillets.. The Cod chunks are frozen in a rectangular package together however. It would be easy enough to cut in half partly frozen and return the unused half to a freezer bag.
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We made the hour trip to Cleveland and to Trader Joe's yesterday. I bought about $60 worth of odds and ends -- no perishables as we were going to go eat in Cleveland afterwards.

I bought some mac and cheese, pita chips, some of their beer, canned goods, etc.. Tonight I made 'Russian Food' with some Trader Joe's Rice Pilaf, some sauerkraut, and some kielbasa. Not really Russian, I know. :) But the rice pilaf from TJ's is really good for a boxed product.

I feel sophisticated shopping there. :) It's not like Giant Eagle around here. My wife is using a walker due to a bad back. As my wife was getting out of the Honda, a lady was pulling into the space next to us and she saw my wife with a walker so the lady waited to pull in. Then I thanked her for waiting. She had a very cool French accent and she was beautiful, too, and was dressed very nicely.

I took 3 years of French in high school, so I spoke to her a little in French. No one around here in Youngstown/Warren speaks French. I like large cities for the arts, culture, etc., but smaller areas have their advantages too.


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Ooo-la-la, a French lady! ;) Did you go into Cleveland Cleveland, or just on the outskirts, jd? If you go all the way into the city, don't forget to make time for West Side Market. The only problem is all of the walking through crowded aisles would be tough for your DH using her walker.

Oh, and what restaurant did you eat at? Last time we were in Cleveland we had an authentic New Orleans meal at Bourbon Street Barrel Room in the Tremont area. Very good.
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Ooo-la-la, a French lady! ;) Did you go into Cleveland Cleveland, or just on the outskirts, jd? If you go all the way into the city, don't forget to make time for West Side Market. The only problem is all of the walking through crowded aisles would be tough for your DH using her walker.

Oh, and what restaurant did you eat at? Last time we were in Cleveland we had an authentic New Orleans meal at Bourbon Street Barrel Room in the Tremont area. Very good.

We never went into the downtown area itself --- just SE 'burbs. I am not from Ohio (wife is). I am from the San Francisco Bay Area. I guess it's Garfield Heights?

We ate at Ruby Tuesday. We were going to eat at an Italian place but it was only opened for lunch. Yeah with her disability crowded places are tough.

Yeah the French lady was nice. 35 or so, beautiful. I am not used to European flair as there is none around here unless you get into Cleveland, Pittsburgh. :)
OK, whoever recommended the Meyer lemon cookies :glare: I've already eaten half a sleeve of them. They are really good!
Trader Joe products you have tried

Well, we totally destroyed both cans of smoked oysters. I'm well on my way to decimating the remaining half of one of the Meyer lemon cookie sleeves.
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We had a dud from TJ's. I think it was called an Alsatian Onion Tart. Kind of a flat bread. We didn't care for it at all.
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