Breville's Personal Pie

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
No cherries or cherry Poe filling in the house! :(
I'm in the middle of making apple pies and lemon pies! :D
Life is still good! We are having Mini pies!
Yea, another one! When you start experimenting, be sure to post the results for us!
OK. I thought I would have time today to experiment. Doesn't look like I will. I want to try a Chicken w/Mango recipe I have in an asian cookbook. Will have to adapt a bit to thicken for the filling. I think the butter puff recipe from Munky will be my first attempt for the shell. I think I can... I think I can... chugga chugga we'll see :)
Chef Maloney said:
OK. I thought I would have time today to experiment. Doesn't look like I will. I want to try a Chicken w/Mango recipe I have in an asian cookbook. Will have to adapt a bit to thicken for the filling. I think the butter puff recipe from Munky will be my first attempt for the shell. I think I can... I think I can... chugga chugga we'll see :)

I can't wait until you do!!!
"This is KRAaZy"

I started reading this thread at around 10am. I got to page 22. Shut down the computer. Drove 25 miles to WS in Valencia, CA. Bought the gosh-darned pie machine thingy (plus the pie lifter). Read the manual cover 2 cover. Seasoned the machine with vege oyL. Sat down exhausted. Got called away.... BoooHooHoooo.... :( Tomorrow will try the chik'n-a-potta-pie recipe. Thanx loads everybody. I am going mad. I think. Still reading the threads. Can't wait!!!!!!! (by the way WS had the maker for $79) :yum:

Ha ha ha :LOL: They got you too ! :ROFLMAO: I fell under the influence of the Mother Ship this summer and was transported via the Purple Haze to WS one day too. I got as Far as Page 5 before hauling myself up and out of my chair and beamed to WS. I had the advantage of looking at the thread as it developed although not really paying close enough attention as it went along. My singular intent was to Merely read the thread, but there I was, transported to WS.

At the time, I asked If it might make Popovers after seeing someone make Cream Puffs. IF I would have read further down the page before getting transported off, I would have seen the next entry was indeed Yorkshire Puddings.

I still want to make popovers.

And I want to make more little quiches. Now that the weather has cooled and its safe to use the oven again, I keep thinking to make a big quiche. But the Breville, keeps attracting me to make little ones. Great for leftover bits of this n' that. And I have a mini frittata recipe I want to try that has mascarpone and prosciutto in it ( neither of which seem to make my grocery list). And I've never used puff pastry for anything in my life, so I gotta try using this too. Like you say, this is KRAaZy !!
hahaha Whiskadoodle, this is so funny. & fun. Good ideas. Wish I could do it all in one night and eat it all in one night and enjoy it all. It's too much! :ROFLMAO:
I started reading this thread at around 10am. I got to page 22. Shut down the computer. Drove 25 miles to WS in Valencia, CA. Bought the gosh-darned pie machine thingy (plus the pie lifter). Read the manual cover 2 cover. Seasoned the machine with vege oyL. Sat down exhausted. Got called away.... BoooHooHoooo.... :( Tomorrow will try the chik'n-a-potta-pie recipe. Thanx loads everybody. I am going mad. I think. Still reading the threads. Can't wait!!!!!!! (by the way WS had the maker for $79) :yum:

Welcome to the Cult, we've been expecting you. I knew it wouldn't have taken you long to find us. I saw your post for the Grill. It was just a matter of time :ROFLMAO: I'm jealous.

We've been a little bad around here. Were up to 3 separate sections for this beauty. Page 22 must have been a goodie. Guess I should jump back and have a look see again.:angel:

It's ok to go mad. Were good at getting people to that state. The Cult works like that. There still isn't a 1-800 # yet to seek help when your obsessed with wiping the prints off, talking to it while your working. Some day we will. I don't think anyone's going to step up to the plate for that job.

I've had mine going on 2 years now. It has yet to get put away.
Enjoy your pie maker. Looking forward to seeing your recipes.:chef:

Second Wind

"hahaha Munky"
I got a second wind and decided to try out the pie maker tonight for the first time. I used Munky's Butter Puff recipe for the crust, top & bottom. I made the top crust a bit thicker than the bottom. For the RISE to the top. Which it did.
I could never have done this so perfectly the first time without reading ALL of your threads beforehand. I made the filling using left-over rotisserie chicken and ripe mango. First I made a roux in a skililet with flour and butter until lightly browned. I added 1 cup cooked chicken cut into cubes. 1/2 cup frozen mixed veges. One whole clove garlic, chopped. 1 Tblsp. fresh ginger, chopped. 1/2 cup chicken broth. Cooked and whisked until slightly thickened. I added 1/2 cup ripe mango, cut into 1/2" pieces right at the end and turned off the heat. I did exactly as you all prescribed, using the cut parchment paper on the edges of the crust. That really helped. The crust would have burned otherwise. The pies came out perfectly the very first time! I can't wait to try some other recipes in this thing! Thank you all. Wish you all well. I love DC and all it's members. So glad I found you!!!!!!!! :yum:


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"hahaha Munky"
I got a second wind and decided to try out the pie maker tonight for the first time. I used Munky's Butter Puff recipe for the crust, top & bottom. I made the top crust a bit thicker than the bottom. For the RISE to the top. Which it did.
I could never have done this so perfectly the first time without reading ALL of your threads beforehand. I made the filling using left-over rotisserie chicken and ripe mango. First I made a roux in a skililet with flour and butter until lightly browned. I added 1 cup cooked chicken cut into cubes. 1/2 cup frozen mixed veges. One whole clove garlic, chopped. 1 Tblsp. fresh ginger, chopped. 1/2 cup chicken broth. Cooked and whisked until slightly thickened. I added 1/2 cup ripe mango, cut into 1/2" pieces right at the end and turned off the heat. I did exactly as you all prescribed, using the cut parchment paper on the edges of the crust. That really helped. The crust would have burned otherwise. The pies came out perfectly the very first time! I can't wait to try some other recipes in this thing! Thank you all. Wish you all well. I love DC and all it's members. So glad I found you!!!!!!!! :yum:

We love you too. Just make sure you are wearing your purple apron and purple cookinig slippers. :angel:
haha thanks Addie! I got in a hurry and forgot to mention that I made the crust in the food processor, pulsing after each addition of butter. It was done in no time. It came out great. I also chopped 1 Tblsp. of fresh chili peppers and added that with the mango. Gave it a nice Thai 'kick'. I checked the pies after 10, 12, 15, and finally the pies were perfect after 18 minutes in the maker. XOxo Chef Maloney
Ta-da Chef Maloney !! Those look terrific. Your chef stripes just went up a few notches too when you included a chili pepper and enough ginger to provide flavor balance and contrast with the fruit and chicken main ingredients.
I have a mini frittata recipe I want to try that has mascarpone and prosciutto in it ( neither of which seem to make my grocery list). And I've never used puff pastry for anything in my life, so I gotta try using this too. Like you say, this is KRAaZy !!
I would like the recipe for the frittata that has mascarpone and proscuitto in it--happen to have both in the fridge. This is KRAaZy!
forgive me if i'm repeating myself, but this is absolutely the BEST thread of this whole forum! (better than any of the last four books i have read) :) it should be suggested reading for all new members

...and i don't even DO pies, of any shape or size...yet :)
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"fun pies"

haha... I too find this thread very entertaining. In my mind this little pie maker has replaced the 'Susie HomeMaker' oven, and the MateL 'ThingMaker' we used when I was a kid. These 'Adult Toys' have improved as we've gotten older. These little pies are DeeLish. Of course most of you are probably too young to remember those earlyl-on kids toys from the 60's. I remember graduating from the 'ThingMaker' to the 'Incredible Edible ThingMaker' (you would pour the edible goop into a mold, bake it, and eat the bugs you created) hahaha. No Lie. I wonder why that hasn't come back around.:question: (maybe I should try a bug pie)
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Ok, I put the Prosciiutto/ Mascarpone Frittata recipe in the Savory Mini Pie Recipe thread.

I have not made this ... Yet. I already see I'd be adding some herbs and does this look like not enough cheese or mascarpone? Well, 4 eggs for you CWS. Get crackin' and put those girls to work. :LOL:

And since October is breast cancer awareness month, and even though it's not mine to give, but to share and pass along, the frittatas are in honor of ta-tas. No foolin'.
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"hahaha Munky"
I got a second wind and decided to try out the pie maker tonight for the first time. I used Munky's Butter Puff recipe for the crust, top & bottom. I made the top crust a bit thicker than the bottom. For the RISE to the top. Which it did.
I could never have done this so perfectly the first time without reading ALL of your threads beforehand. I made the filling using left-over rotisserie chicken and ripe mango. First I made a roux in a skililet with flour and butter until lightly browned. I added 1 cup cooked chicken cut into cubes. 1/2 cup frozen mixed veges. One whole clove garlic, chopped. 1 Tblsp. fresh ginger, chopped. 1/2 cup chicken broth. Cooked and whisked until slightly thickened. I added 1/2 cup ripe mango, cut into 1/2" pieces right at the end and turned off the heat. I did exactly as you all prescribed, using the cut parchment paper on the edges of the crust. That really helped. The crust would have burned otherwise. The pies came out perfectly the very first time! I can't wait to try some other recipes in this thing! Thank you all. Wish you all well. I love DC and all it's members. So glad I found you!!!!!!!! :yum:

Your compliments just made my day Chef Maloney. Thank you :chef:
When I first got mine a few things that were crossing my mind to pull this all off. Besides thinking of recipes for it.

1.) Win at the bargaining table.. Apparently I'm good at playing poker.:angel:

2.) Make it as practical and useful for everyone at all levels to enjoy. No matter what your baking skills are or aren't. Economics/ ingredients factored in as well. Work/ family schedules. Well you get my point.

3.) The biggest. Make sure it's all kept in a very comfortable fun atmosphere. Ok, I'll play nice as long as nobody blares any ABBA! over Pandora. :ROFLMAO:

Your pies look wonderful. Great job! Mine didn't look that good my first time out. Keep em' coming!

Have fun Fellow Brevellian! :LOL:

My Piemaker was taken over by Shrek...I wonder if it's because he never had an Easy-Bake oven. Keeps him busy!
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