Chef Extraordinaire
Interesting observation. Maybe it depends on how hard you mash?
I prefer the older one for several reasons. The hoops are closer together, the fat gets cut to the right size faster, the more flexible hoops conform to whatever the curve of my bowl is, the hoops extend around the sides of the tool so you can use the side of the bowl as well as the bottom and finally because well... sometimes old seems better. Channeling my grandmas pie is a good thing
I have made crust in the food processor but find that it's easy to overwork the dough and frankly, the old way only takes about a minute. Getting the processor out and then cleaning it up after takes too long and is more work than just doing it the old fashioned way.
Ditto! I like the hands on work. I get a lot of satisfaction working with my hands. That tool is also great for mixing biscuits.