Pressure Canned butter(Ghee) turned brown

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Assistant Cook
Aug 14, 2021
I just purchased an All American 921 pressure canner and I canned butter that I turned into Ghee. I did it for 75mins with a pressure weight of 15 since my elevation is 1,281. I boiled the water out of the butter and removed the cream, I also filtered it through cheese cloth. I know butter is not recommended to can but I’ve seen people do it. Most don’t even take the precaution of pressure canning it like I have.

The butter turned brown on the bottom of the jars. Is there a way to prevent that? Is it going to effect the taste or shelf life?


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I make ghee a lot because I cook loads of Indian food. The method is simple: heat unsalted butter until it melts, allow the butter to cook through for about 40 minutes,. removing the "scum" from the top, then filter through cheesecloth or something similar into a clean jar.
There is always some brown residue in the bottom of the jar. No problem; it doesn´t affect the flavour or the conservation. There´s no need to pressure can the stuff either. By cooking the butter for 40 minutes, you remove all the water and end up with fat - which won´t go "off" if you keep it in a cool dark place. I keep mine in a kitchen cabinet and it lasts for months without refrigeration.As soon as you put the ghee into a hot pan, it will turn a clear, dark yellow.
The fact that you´re above sea level doesn´t matter either. I live at 1300 mts above sea level - never had a problem.

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