Which is alfalfa and which is basil?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
So this is probably more of a gardening question, but I planted some seeds of alfalfa in a small container at the same time as basil seeds and I forgot to label which is which. Does anyone know which could be which? I planted them both 7 days ago within 30 minutes of each other. On the packages (I got from a Mennonite store) both said they germinate within 5 days.


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I would guess the mostly green one is alfalfa. Basil usually takes 2 weeks to sprout.
Pick a leaf from the left one, rub it between your fingers, and smell it. If it is basil, you should be able to smell the distinct aroma of basil. I believe alfalfa smells more grassy. I had a friend who drank alfalfa tea, but that was many years ago. I recall it having a grassy or hay/straw smell.

I'd wait until the plants grow and mature some. Then the leaves will assume their final shape and the difference should be clear.
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