Where can I get carrot seeds to grow giant carrots?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Ive been thumbing through all my catalogues and regular internet garden sites looking for Seeds for Huge, giant carrots. Not only in length, but a significant circumference too. Everything I've seen advertised is either , what I would consider, average or slightly above average. Most are kinda small and thin.

Ive searched the internet, but I've seen bad reviews such as seeds not germinating or getting something they didnt order.

So my question is, does anyone have a reliable source to get seeds for GIANT Carrots ( That will grow in the New York area) ?
Check Gurney's, Burpee's, maybe Gardens Alive. There's a British seed company that I used to order from too, I forget the name, but they had a huge variety.
Larry, check out Amazon. They have giant carrot seeds from Tennessee.

And you will need really deep, really soft, and really well drained soil. Carrots hate hard soils.
Ive been thumbing through all my catalogues and regular internet garden sites looking for Seeds for Huge, giant carrots. Not only in length, but a significant circumference too. Everything I've seen advertised is either , what I would consider, average or slightly above average. Most are kinda small and thin.

My inner adolescent is wanting to come out and play, but my inner grown-up is telling me not to do it.

I know nothing about giant carrot seeds. :(

But I personally like smaller carrots because I think they are sweeter and less fibrous then larger ones.
I know a guy who will trade you some giant carrot seeds for your cow.

Because of the very long days of sunshine and very short nights, Alaskans grow some huge veggies. In fact, some places will not allow them to enter the "biggest and greatest" veggie contests anymore.

Have you considered moving to Alaska?
Larry, try this variety

Carrot Seeds - Autumn King 2 Vita Longa (Extra Large)

Carrot 'Autumn King 2 Vita Longa' produces large, stump rooted main crop carrot. It stores well, or can be left in the ground throughout winter. A strong grower with some natural resistance to carrot fly.

Main crop variety

A friend recommended them.

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