What to do with blackeye peas?

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Senior Cook
Mar 7, 2009
Naperville, Illinois
Impulse buy of Ragin' Cajun brand seasoned blackeye peas. I understand it was a Southern thing to serve them on New Years day. So...what do Southerners do with these? Diced ham, or andouille in them and just serve as a main dish? I'm open to suggestions. Thank you.
Try hoppin’ John.

This recipe is a good place to start but I would cut the amount of broth in half.

IMO hoppin’ John should be dry but there are a million variations.

Read a few recipes and give it a go.

The peas have an earthy flavor and most people either love them or hate them.

If you don’t care for them try substituting small red kidney beans.
Impulse buy of Ragin' Cajun brand seasoned blackeye peas. I understand it was a Southern thing to serve them on New Years day. So...what do Southerners do with these? Diced ham, or andouille in them and just serve as a main dish? I'm open to suggestions. Thank you.
Hoppin' John.
The recipe we have been cooking year after year comes from the "Glory of Southern Cooking" by James Villas. Just google it and follow the Epicurious link. Family and friends love it so much I cook it multiple times a year usually as a side to roast pork. Rice and collard greens are a must too.
I love them. My roots are in the south. I like to just make them with ham or bacon and lots of black pepper, with lightly sauteed mustard greens and cornbread for a side. A must have on NYD.

My husband's relatives up here in the Midwest had no concept of my southern traditions when I moved here 24 years ago. They do pork roast and sauerkraut. Meh.
I like them, as well as other cowpeas. Besides the southern and Caribbean recipes using them, there are a good number of recipes from India, where the peas grow well in areas like they do in this country - in hotter and dryer areas. They are good in a lot of salads, too, but that's more a summer dish. And something really good to do with dried beans (but not canned or frozen! :LOL:) is sprouting the beans, but that's for another post.
black eye peas over rice is a comfort food staple here . . .
I cook them from dry - a smoked ham hock is a seriously flavorful addition . . .
Are they canned, frozen , or Dried? I use them anytime I would serve Beans. but they are different

Eric. Austin Tx.
I love them. My roots are in the south. I like to just make them with ham or bacon and lots of black pepper, with lightly sauteed mustard greens and cornbread for a side. A must have on NYD.

My husband's relatives up here in the Midwest had no concept of my southern traditions when I moved here 24 years ago. They do pork roast and sauerkraut. Meh.
The German version of greens with pork ☺ There are no fresh greens in Germany in December 😉 I was born in Virginia and raised in Michigan, till I moved back to Virginia after my husband went into the Navy.
I had the same problem. I bought a bag of frozen black eyed peas to make Hoppin' John for new years, but I had half the bag left over. If it's not in the bottom of my freezer I just might remember what I did with the remainder. I will let you know.
Well, I was reorganizing my freezer to make room for my Omaha Steaks order, and I found the leftover bag of blackeyed peas, so I guess I didn't do anything with them. Maybe I will throw together Hoppin' John for the new year, if I have all the ingredients.
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