What temp do you guys cook your pork to?

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I went back and found a photo of my mushy roast beef experiment.

After reading about the tenderizing beef through long cooking times, I went out and bought a bottom round roast (not known to be a tender cut) and cooked it SV for 24 hours (I listened to the wrong guy online). As you can see, it's still medium but the texture was really unpleasant.

Photo - 1.jpeg
Do I really have to sign up for free account to see the chart?

Don't you have any pets to sign up for you.

I also have about five throw-away gmail accounts I use to sign up.

Good luck finding anything useful on the www that doesn't make you sign up.

BTW, another good tactic is to sign up using the name and email of somebody you don't like. You didn't hear that from me. :cool:

I find lots of stuff on the internet without giving out my email addy. But, I don't want to give it out to a place that is likely to be a one time visit. Their loss unless I decide to use an email addy that just bounces back to their machine.

As to the giving out someone else's email addy, I don't hate anyone I know, that much. I swear someone keeps doing that to me. I get a whackload of email that claims to be for Trump and you better best believe that I never signed up for that.
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