What is your weather like right now?

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Yay!! Love a good rain, hope it continues for you, Kayelle!

Ditto! I hope it pours cats and dogs, buckets and any other saying that is needed to break this drought. Even though we are complaining about how cold it is, even too much sunshine can start to wear on your nerves. :angel:
My sister just messaged me, there are 327 schools closed in Minnesota for tomorrow. Due to the dangerously cold temp.'s. The closest town to us (50 miles north) is 2 hours late. Cold & windey here in our little SE corner of South Dakota. Wind gusts at 50 mph & 5 Below 0.
I'm almost afraid to make this post for fear I'll jinx it so I'll whisper........
it's raining. :clap:

We haven't had a drop of rain in who knows how long so it's just a drop in the bucket, but it's something. This California drought is really scary so we're all crossing our fingers for a good steady steady rain. I just put a pot of soup on....whoo hoooo.

About the same time I read your post, Kayelle, we were finally getting a little rain, too! Wasn't that nice? :wub::clap: I know what you mean about jinxing it - I'm almost afraid to mention the "r" word, for fear it will immediately stop. :LOL:
Made a nice sunset this evening.


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My sister just messaged me, there are 327 schools closed in Minnesota for tomorrow. Due to the dangerously cold temp.'s. The closest town to us (50 miles north) is 2 hours late. Cold & windey here in our little SE corner of South Dakota. Wind gusts at 50 mph & 5 Below 0.

:ohmy: Oh my goodness! My brother and I were just talking about the extreme cold weather that so many of you are going through right now. Sending prayers and hopes for an early spring.
That sounds like my eather a few weeks ago, Simon.

Right now it's 25F, which is an improvement, but we've got a major snowstorm going on out there. I would not want to be driving right now.

Somebody send Fi a pair of mittens with the string on them ;)
I keep a pair of lightweight Jersey gloves in any of the three coats I might be wearing when the weather turns cold. They work well for short jaunts outside.
35 degrees F, wind from the south.

The snowflakes are supposed to form a "flash mob" this morning during rush hour, 1-3 inches of snow in a two hour period. The rest of the day is to be cold and sunny, temps falling into the teens, wind chill well below zero.
That sounds like my eather a few weeks ago, Simon.

Right now it's 25F, which is an improvement, but we've got a major snowstorm going on out there. I would not want to be driving right now.

Somebody send Fi a pair of mittens with the string on them ;)
I keep a pair of lightweight Jersey gloves in any of the three coats I might be wearing when the weather turns cold. They work well for short jaunts outside.

Good idea, I'm getting my gloves out of my lunch bag for my jaunt for the scan. I finally remembered where thy were.

It's 28°F but with wind chill feels like 11°F...nasty wind from the southeast! Still no snow.
35 degrees F, wind from the south.

The snowflakes are supposed to form a "flash mob" this morning during rush hour, 1-3 inches of snow in a two hour period. The rest of the day is to be cold and sunny, temps falling into the teens, wind chill well below zero.

It's heading your way, Bea.
I see blue skies pushing the gray as we speak... err, type.
Today is a balmy 21 degrees outside....about 67 inside. We had several inches of snow over the weekend. We always keep the doors closed on rooms we are not using, but we do keep the heat vent open in the basement so the pipes don't freeze.
with the wind and the whiteouts, I'm seriously considering tying a line to my waist and back to the house for the next time I have to go to the barn! ;)

Bad Part.... the bloody horses broke the fence and were VERY frisky in the wind.. By the way.... Wind up a horses tail is a very true saying. don't get kicked in the head trying to lead them around! :(

But the good part is

I'm Back!!!!!

and in which I'm discovering Windows 8 - yech - gonna take me months!! to get used to. :wacko:
dragnlaw, Windows 8 is the only thing that has stopped me from whining "I want a new computer" to my Tech Support (my hubby). For him it's been a blessing. ;)


We were a balmy 37 today! Of course it's on the way back down into the teens for the next couple of days. At least we aren't back home right now...where the overnight lows are dropping into the negative teens. :ohmy: I have no idea how all of you in the upper mid-west deal with this on an annual basis. You guys are from really tough stock! Especially those Twin Cities folks. Saw this list of the coldest U.S. cities online today. Read it and weep - but only inside, or your face might freeze like that!

America's 20 Coldest Major Cities - weather.com

A cousin down in Pensacola FL posted this to Facebook:

"Hotlanta" gonna be pretty cold tonight! And those pristine white beaches of the northern gulf coast? That's aint the sand that's snowy white! :ohmy: :LOL:
It's -14°C (7°F) but feels really, really cold with the wind. "Blowing snow warning." It's going down to -22°C (-8°F), but it's going to feel like minus a bazillion if that wind keeps up. Oh yeah, we had about 8 cm (~3") of snow over night. It was the perfect weather for blue shadows at dusk.
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