Suziquzie: That's the same question I asked myself after moving to so cal, after so many years on the high plains: "Why did I put up with it for all those years"? I guess we just take for granted that's how it is and resign ourselves to living through it. I recall one particulary rough winter back in the early 80's. Snow was piled seven or eight feet high on either side of the streets and for a period of twenty one days the daytime high never got over zero. I found myself actually getting used to it as the norm. Scary. Thats when I decided enough was enough. Granted, it did take a while for eveything to fall in place so I could move, but move I did. Not all of us can, or should, otherwise the continent would tip sideways and we'd all fall off the edge! As I think back on it, I remember I had an opportunity to move to Hawaii and turned it down because it didn't have percipible seasons. How foolish the young are! About a year or so ago, some of my in-laws decided to move back to Rhinelander, WI (way north) from Phoenix. It wasn't six months and they were back "home".
Anyway, we are where we are unless we consiciously do something about it. Forgive me for waxing philosophical this evening..............