I am in the process of taking a class on cancer as I am working on a MS in Holistic Nutrition. One of the textbooks I have is written by an Indian MD. He said a good preventative for cancer is tumeric. Tumeric is anti-tumor, protects DNA, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerative, inhibits leukemia, inhibits breast cancer, suppresses colon cancer, protects against heart disease, helps metabolism and digestion, dissolves undesirable fats, and the list goes on.
According to him take it 2x daily, lunch and dinner. Cook the veggies. After they are cooked blend some tumeric with either olive oil, butter, or ghee and then toss with the veggies. Don't overdo it. Use 1/4 t. per meal. I have begun doing this and it does have a mild flavor. I was surprised my 18 y.o. son likes the veggies this way. Also, if one wants to prevent a cold they can boil 1 c. milk with 1/4 t. tumeric and sip slowly.
Don't ever use a tumeric extract! Just use the real thing.