Tuesday's Meal was.... (27th Feb 2024)

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
I thawed a package of the pounded tenderloin that I froze in the buttermilk marinade. All I had to do was bread it and fry it. Easy and very quick. It came out well and went well with tater tots. The sandwich has mustard, lettuce, and tomato. Served with dill pickles. Well...mine was. Others might have used sweet pickles and mayo.

Oops, this was for Tuesday, February 27th......

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Well, I got everything prepped just in time for a cold front to arrive. My meal was to be cooked on my Blackstone griddle... on my patio. The cold part wasn't an issue, and it wasn't even all that cold. The problem was the strong and gusty North wind.

The way my house is situated, my driveway is a wind tunnel. A North wind picks up speed, then hits my garage, and my patio becomes a vortex generator.

I have the shrimp thawed, peeled and de-veined so I have to cook it today. If I had cooked it on Monday, as originally planned, I wouldn't be in this situation. :rolleyes: :oops:

We tried a new-to-us brand of soup, Sprague. It's an Ontario company. It was Mediterranean lentil soup. It was good. We also had Greek food leftovers. There wasn't enough for a whole meal, which was why I heated that soup.
Taxy, when I make lentil soups from a can, I add a healthy squeeze from a wedge of lime. I find that it elevates even the best of canned lentil soups! (Not my discovery. A friend suggested it a long time ago.)
Taxy, when I make lentil soups from a can, I add a healthy squeeze from a wedge of lime. I find that it elevates even the best of canned lentil soups! (Not my discovery. A friend suggested it a long time ago.)
That's what I figured, after tasting it. I don't think I have ever had lentil soup before. We thought it wanted something, so we added some dashes of hot sauce. I tried with Tabasco chipotle and with a West Indian hot sauce. I noticed that the vinegar from the West Indian one brightened it a bit. I was wondering if some lemon or lime juice would be even better. Thanks for confirming my guess.

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