Thursday dinner, September 19, 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Tovala meal of cheese tortellini in Alfredo with spinach and bacon.
Spinach Ravioli, cream of mushroom sauce.

I bought some Orange Turkey Tail mushrooms at the market last Saturday. Have to admit I don't really care for them. No matter how I've cooked them they are more chewy almost hard (very like the tough stems of shiitaki). the flavour is not too bad but honestly - won't buy them again. I believe, like a lot of mushrooms, they have many benefits but for some they are not recommended. Haven't researched it much and probably won't as I don't intend to purchase them again.
I was gonna take a pic of my dinner but I ate it too fast.

Tonight I made the Hamburger Helper Beef Stroganoff. I haven't had it in years because I generally don't like stroganoff or noodles. But I had an extra pound of hamburger and thought I'd try it again.

I had an extra envelope of stroganoff flavoring from who knows where, so I doubled up on that. I also put in an envelope of onion soup mix along with a little extra salt while I was browning the hamburger. Then when the whole thing was done cooking, I stirred in some extra sour cream. Wow, that was sort of good! I had two helpings and could barely get out of my chair to put the dishes in the sink. Next time I'll also add a little Wooster sauce. But I won't be able to double up on the stroganoff seasoning again unless I can figure out where I got that extra envelope from.
pork and coriander dumplings - interesting, have never seen that combo - are they tasty? strong, mild?
Mild? There isn't any heat in the dumplings, but they are tasty.

Oops, should have been more specific. By mild or strong I guess meant the coriander flavour as it sometimes can be overpowering.

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