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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
luvs_food said:
i assume the next person needs a grocery of some sort.
(LOL, I think I could say this even if I lived in a grocery store :LOL:) But the one staple I've just ran out of is honey, so that's a must get! (Cool assumption, luvs :))

I assume that the next person has a pet cat?
We have the best most perfect cat in the world.

I assume that the next person would like to
have a nice cuppa tea and a brownie for a snack?
Yummy, great snack combo. I would definatley love that! Something really dark and chocolatey, with a herbal tea :)

What's your cat's name? They are sooo special! I'm a grown woman but I can't help but still call cats meow-meows, something my native Italian DH picked up and now does too (he gets very creative English help from me, lol :LOL:)

I assume that the next person had a tree fort/tree house as a child?
Our cats name is Lily Lily Queen of cats. She was born on Easter sunday 12 years ago.. so we named her after the Easter Lily. She's the most important member of the family!
When she was younger she used to steal our other cats kittens so that she could mother them. It was so cute. She's always bringing us "gifts". Mice and rats and bats and snakes and bunnies, chipmonks, birds..any thing she can get her little paws on. She likes tomato and split pea soup but won't touch bacon! Feta cheese makes her happy but it's the only kind she likes. She likes milk but only if it's left over from cereal and she won't drink water out of her bowl... it has to be in a mud puddle or in a plant dish. She's a little weird but we Love her to pieces!
pdswife said:
Our cats name is Lily Lily Queen of cats. She was born on Easter sunday 12 years ago.. so we named her after the Easter Lily. She's the most important member of the family!
When she was younger she used to steal our other cats kittens so that she could mother them. It was so cute. She's always bringing us "gifts". Mice and rats and bats and snakes and bunnies, chipmonks, birds..any thing she can get her little paws on. She likes tomato and split pea soup but won't touch bacon! Feta cheese makes her happy but it's the only kind she likes. She likes milk but only if it's left over from cereal and she won't drink water out of her bowl... it has to be in a mud puddle or in a plant dish. She's a little weird but we Love her to pieces!
That is sooooo precious! what a sweet name too :cat: As a child we had one cat that liked odd people foods too, she'd nibble on black licorice and nacho cheese corn chips amongst others.
I love cats!!! Thanks for telling us about them.

I assume the next person is not watching a tear-jerker movie like I am.

:) Barbara
correct! Watching the "Rome" miniseries on HBO

I think the next person has little ones that are very dear to their heart.
It's a bit funny actually, I do quite like coffee (I was never a daily drinker though), but I'm not able to drink it any more due to medical reasons. But I still bake with it for DH and others, so occasionally I get a whift of that delicious java scent :)

I assume that the next person drinks their coffee black?
Yes, I love cats and dogs - how can you not love fuzzy creatures (as I call them)! I joke that it's probably better we aren't $$$ or I'd have started an animal sanctuary in our backyard (safe there too, as we don't have a backyard :LOL:)

I assume that the next person saves bread crumbs to feed to the birds?
no fairly new acura

I assume the next person enjoys playing games?

Mmmm yes especially today its spring but today got cold again and its rained since early this morning.

I assume the next person likes marshmallow in their hot chocolate.
Absolutely! (If were're going all out, a little whip cream and cocoa power too!)

I assume that the next person brings their lunch to work with them?
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