Sunday dinner, September 29, 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Hot wings with celery/carrots, blue cheese dipping sauce, and leftover potato salad.

I ditched Texas for the night, and went New York Italian. Linguini and clam sauce, with lots of garlic and some fresh basil from my garden... some fresh grated parm-reg, too. Really good. The canned clams were surprisingly not rubbery, actually pretty tender.


I made a Danish recipe which is one variation of "kylling i karry" (chicken in curry). There's chicken breast in cubes, onion, scallions, spinach, some diced apple or pineapple (I used apple), curry powder or paste (I used some vindaloo curry paste), water and bouillon cube (I used some leftover chicken stock made from BTB and homemade veggie "stock".), and whipping cream. I think that one should go into more frequent rotation. I had that with an asparagus side dish: pan roasted asparagus, sprinkled with lemon juice, toasted pistachios, a drizzle of EVOO, crumbled feta, and a drizzle of honey. I don't think I'll use pistachios another time unless I chop them. They were annoying.

2024-09-29 Chicken in curry and asparagus side dish2.jpg
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