Sobering thought dinner 29/10/2013

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ooh, thanks for reminding me. I need to get some Halloween candy.
I never get any trick or treaters, but that's good :)

Breakfast for dinner.
Home fries; bacon; Canadian bacon, tomato, mushroom and cheddar omelet; toast; beer :ermm: Well, almost all breakfast food ;)

Now that's a tasty looking meal Pac. I may have that tomorrow night.
ooh, thanks for reminding me. I need to get some Halloween candy.
I never get any trick or treaters, but that's good :)

Breakfast for dinner.
Home fries; bacon; Canadian bacon, tomato, mushroom and cheddar omelet; toast; beer :ermm: Well, almost all breakfast food ;)

Great looking plate Pac.

Broiled Salmon with Wild Rice Pilaf. I know it looks huge but, trust me, it's a small plate. ;)

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Re companies not paying a decent living wage - A lot of the problem is at the feet of those of us who want cheap food, clothing etc., not necessarily because we can't afford to pay more but because we want what we consider to be a bargain. We are shocked at accounts of sweat shops in the third world, starvation wages paid to Polish and other eastern European temporary workers employed in agriculture in Britain and the attitude of companies like McDs and Walmart to their employees but fail to associate this with our own consumerism. If we want to feed our desire for strawberries at £1.99 a pound and jeans for £10.00 a pair someone has to pay the price and it isn't us, the customers.
That's why I don't shop at Walmart (except for jeans for Stirling. Size 50 jeans > $180 elsewhere, at Walmart ~$40). We do a lot of shopping at Costco. They pay their employees well. They have figured out that having happy employees is good for business. Employee Relations Best Practices: Costco's Approach to HR | i-Sight
Hear, hear Harry! We should all be thankful for what we have and try to share a bit with those less fortunate, whether it is tangible goods or our time in volunteering like yourself!

Tonight's meal at the Bunny's house was kielbasa with sauerkraut, fried potatoes and peas. Simple weeknight meal.
Thanks for reminding us all, Harry, how blest we are for being able to post the fact that we are enjoying wholesome meals. Whether they be beans and rice or a plethora of prawn ;) not one of us can complain. Well I suppose we could complain, but not about the food we eat. Now about that neighbor's barking dog......:LOL:

ooh, thanks for reminding me. I need to get some Halloween candy.
I never get any trick or treaters, but that's good :)...
Candy - it's what's for supper at pac's house on Friday!

Meanwhile, at Chez Goddess, we finally had the potato and leek soup! And at long last, after many requests by Harry, I finally have photographic proof that I cooked! Apparently I should have taken a tighter shot, but baby steps. I finally learned how to get the blasted photo from Dropbox to here.


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I must say of this. Please read of me.

I was found in a trash can of when I was a few days old. A man who was walking of his dog saved me and took me to hospital.

Mamma found me there and she and Papa adopted of me out of the hospital.

I am from Romania, and it is a very poor country. If Mamma and Papa had not taken of me, I would be in an orphanage and I would not have a good life.

We who are very blessed must take the care of others who are needing. One of my classmates, L, is poor. She takes care of her Mamma who is very, very disabled. She is a very great student and was given the scholarship for her college education.

She and her Mamma could not afford for Internet service or for a computer. They do not own of a car. L rides on the bus.

No more of this. I put them with ATT DSL service and I pay for that every month. I found of a very nice refurbished laptop computer and I put the Windows 8 of it. When DA and I go to the errands, we buy them very much food of each week.

I give much to a food bank of here, and I give Carl food also.

I am sorry for those who are to go hungry. It hurts of me, for I should have been poor. I do not deserve of Mamma and Papa.

I think we must try to help those who are hungry and poor. Even of a can of beans to a food bank is helpful. We give to Manna of many foods.

And of the food we have, it must be to be grateful of every mouth full. I thank God for everything of this.

It is all I wished to say of this.

With love,
I must say of this. Please read of me.

I was found in a trash can of when I was a few days old. A man who was walking of his dog saved me and took me to hospital.

Mamma found me there and she and Papa adopted of me out of the hospital.

I am from Romania, and it is a very poor country. If Mamma and Papa had not taken of me, I would be in an orphanage and I would not have a good life.

We who are very blessed must take the care of others who are needing. One of my classmates, L, is poor. She takes care of her Mamma who is very, very disabled. She is a very great student and was given the scholarship for her college education.

She and her Mamma could not afford for Internet service or for a computer. They do not own of a car. L rides on the bus.

No more of this. I put them with ATT DSL service and I pay for that every month. I found of a very nice refurbished laptop computer and I put the Windows 8 of it. When DA and I go to the errands, we buy them very much food of each week.

I give much to a food bank of here, and I give Carl food also.

I am sorry for those who are to go hungry. It hurts of me, for I should have been poor. I do not deserve of Mamma and Papa.

I think we must try to help those who are hungry and poor. Even of a can of beans to a food bank is helpful. We give to Manna of many foods.

And of the food we have, it must be to be grateful of every mouth full. I thank God for everything of this.

It is all I wished to say of this.

With love,
What a kind and thoughtful person you are, Cat, and you really do deserve your Mamma and Papa who have made you what you are. God bless.
Re companies not paying a decent living wage - A lot of the problem is at the feet of those of us who want cheap food, clothing etc. If we want to feed our desire for strawberries at £1.99 a pound and jeans for £10.00 a pair someone has to pay the price and it isn't us, the customers.
you are completely missing the point & blurring the shape.we all know how the economics work,we all know about sweatshops,huge margins & poverty line payslips...anyone who watches the tv,listens to the radio,reads a paper, uses the internet or simply walks about with their eyes open knows all of that & it will takes many,many years to is pointless imo to reiterate what we all already know & have heard a thousand times before.
my point was a simple one...these people need help NOW.the symptoms can be alleviated while we try to find a cure
Ginger Garlic chicken tenders grill on the Kamodo Joe. Green beans and mashed taters on the side.

Ginger Garlic marinade...

2 TB garlic ginger paste (from the indian market)
2 TB Soy Sauce
2 TB White Wine
2 TB Honey
2 tsp vegetable oil

Whisk to form an emulsion and soak the chicken for 1/2 hour.

ooh, thanks for reminding me. I need to get some Halloween candy.
I never get any trick or treaters, but that's good :)

Breakfast for dinner.
Home fries; bacon; Canadian bacon, tomato, mushroom and cheddar omelet; toast; beer :ermm: Well, almost all breakfast food ;)

Broiled Salmon with Wild Rice Pilaf. I know it looks huge but, trust me, it's a small plate. ;)

Thanks for reminding us all, Harry, how blest we are for being able to post the fact that we are enjoying wholesome meals. Whether they be beans and rice or a plethora of prawn ;) not one of us can complain. Well I suppose we could complain, but not about the food we eat. Now about that neighbor's barking dog......:LOL:
Candy - it's what's for supper at pac's house on Friday!

Meanwhile, at Chez Goddess, we finally had the potato and leek soup! And at long last, after many requests by Harry, I finally have photographic proof that I cooked! Apparently I should have taken a tighter shot, but baby steps. I finally learned how to get the blasted photo from Dropbox to here.
great looking grub chaps,nice jobs one & last cg....took yer bloody time over it.but got there in the end eh?now keep 'em coming:chef:!
Hear, hear Harry! We should all be thankful for what we have and try to share a bit with those less fortunate, whether it is tangible goods or our time in volunteering like yourself!

Tonight's meal at the Bunny's house was kielbasa with sauerkraut, fried potatoes and peas. Simple weeknight meal.
thanks bunny...little & often and we'll get it sorted.the food banks are only allowed to supply cans,jars & fresh food.a tin of potatoes & a tin of corned beef will make hash for two meals & cost less than £2/$3.not much is it?
dinner sounds deelish sb:yum:!!
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Chicken is in the oven sitting on some peeled whole young carrots acting as a trivet and the chix juices can baste them. Potatoes peeled and waiting their turn to cook.

Manchester United wins 4-zip. I 'd a put this part over in the tailgating/ sports thread but I'm not sure it gets read too much mid week.
so it should be whiska!!we were at home & norwich aren't the toughest nut to crack...even with delia smith cheering from the chairmans box:rolleyes:!!
i don't get too excited about the soccer tho',rugby player(former that is,too old now)& rugger that is a game:cool:!
dinner at chez whiska sounds good:chef:!!
I agree with you 100% on all counts including your work at the food bank. We do about 30 hours of volunteer work a week and constantly hear "How much do they pay you for doing this?". Mouths fly open when they hear "Nothing, it's called volunteering".
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