Sell me on the NY favorite: Chopped Cheese!

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
I'm gonna make it, but I have some (concerns/questions?) about it as a whole. To me, from what I've seen, the humble chopped cheese sammie seems like a more laborious hamburger (you make the burger. . .then chop it, then cheese the ground burger?) Or just a less. . .tasty? Philly cheesesteak. (Traditionally the chopped cheese is just burger, seasonings, and onion, right? I would feel the Philly cheeseteak would be better, as I love me some bell peppers).

Yes, I know it seems like I'm hating on a food while never having tried it yet, but I'm honestly like. . .I wonder how this came about when it seems like just a more laborious sandwich that isn't as good as other similar counterparts. (Though I know, you could probably say the same about most cuisine's similarities in dishes, like I figure poached vs soft boiled eggs would be.)

But I'm sure I'll make it and love it nonetheless! So. . . what do you guys and gals think?
In my world that would be a loose meat sandwich.

I’m not for or against it any more than taco meat, sloppy joes, etc…

IMO they are just tasty ways to stretch a small amount of ground meat.
I have never heard of a chopped cheese sandwich before, so I won't be much help. But, there are bound to be some interesting answers that show up here.
I had a little look over at Wikipedia:

That sounds pretty good. I get the impression that the burgers that are chopped up with the cheese are not cooked yet, just burger patties. That might be the way the place that invented them got most of their ground beef - in preformed patties.
I have never had it, but I plan to stop at my favorite bodega in Brooklyn next time I'm up there to get one. That place makes some amazing (and terribly unhealthy) sandwiches. The meatball sub is good for two meals, and costs around six bucks.

Go ahead an make one. I've watched YouTube videos about chopped cheese, and had to wipe the drool off of my keyboard. :ROFLMAO:

I have never heard of a chopped cheese sandwich before, so I won't be much help. But, there are bound to be some interesting answers that show up here.

Here is the whole story in two and a half minutes.

BTW, when in NYC, especially the outer boroughs, bodega food is cheap, and from my experience, very good. I'm sure there are some bodegas that just phone it in, but I have a place that I go to every time I'm up there.

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Here is the whole story in two and a half minutes.

BTW, when in NYC, especially the outer boroughs, bodega food is cheap, and from my experience, very good. I'm sure there are some bodegas that just phone it in, but I have a place that I go to every time I'm up there.

I see from the video that they really do chop up already fried burgers. I also see that they chop those up very small. Those long spatulas with straight sides seem to do a good job of that.
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