Sarcopenia in the elderly

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Hope you find that hat! it's perfect! But even a baseball cap, which is what I use. Even on sunny days actually because the sun gets behind my glasses and causes a glare.
I wasn't at all sore today from yesterday's overexertion, but I didn't expect to be. I slept very well. I went for a walk today. I felt like I had had enough as I was approaching home. I had intended to walk past and get some more walking accomplished. I decided to cut it short and just go home. I had walked about half as much as yesterday's overexertion. I was still exhausted for over an hour. That didn't really surprise me. If I get a second wind, I will go out again. But, yesterday I did borrow spoons from today and it feels like it.
Well, from my personal experience, thinking that you've had evough and will go out again later that day is not listening. Borrowing spoons from yesterday, means you will have to pay it back - and it will probably be today.
Well, from my personal experience, thinking that you've had evough and will go out again later that day is not listening. Borrowing spoons from yesterday, means you will have to pay it back - and it will probably be today.
I wrote that I would go out again, if I got a second wind. Fear not, I am not going out again. There is no second wind in the forecast. I had canned soup for supper, even though I have loads of ingredients that wouldn't take a lot of effort to turn into a nice meal.
LOL... see? your body just told you by not getting a second wind.
Seriously though, a second wind comes back but is still not telling you what your body needs. You stopped for a reason and the next day is telling you that's what it needs for it to recuperate. Better to err on the side of slow.

Not easy I know.
Edit to add... believe it or not - time is on your side. Your body needs time. Alas, the older we get - sometimes the longer time it takes.
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LOL... see? your body just told you by not getting a second wind.
Seriously though, a second wind comes back but is still not telling you what your body needs. You stopped for a reason and the next day is telling you that's what it needs for it to recuperate. Better to err on the side of slow.

Not easy I know.
Edit to add... believe it or not - time is on your side. Your body needs time. Alas, the older we get - sometimes the longer time it takes.
For sure. I just hate paying for the mistake yesterday. It's why I try really hard not to overdo it. Stirling used to say that he lost a bunch of IQ points when he worked out or otherwise exerted himself much physically. I think that's what happened to me yesterday. I got the stoopid, so I didn't stop when my body said to. I had the stoopid for the rest of the day.
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