Salmon Burger Recipes. Any ideas?

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
I want to make salmon burgers but want it to be kind of simple. Cooked Salmon, bread crumb, maybe salt and pepper. Then from there I can experiment with flavors. Online the recipes look complex. I have never bought capers in my life, and other less used ingredients.
Not sure why it is too complicated. Eggs, l/o mashed potato; or mayo to bind, bread crumbs to absorb any excess liquid, seasonings, optional chopped celery or onions. Make your patties, refrigerate for minimum 20 minutes but better longer, fry'em up!
If you want you can even bread them (dip in egg (tricky), coat panko) and fry away.
What ever seasonings strike your fancy - Old Bay or Seasoning Salt or whatever, Worcestershire Sauce or not, little lemon squirt.
Bob's your Uncle! done. Make ahead and refrigerate is almost essential, helps it stay together. Plus it is very convenient to just open the fridge and grab your protein for the pan with no fussing about with the prep.
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