Though BT and I are similar, there is a difference. He was born with it. It's a natural talent of his. I cultivate my strangeness. And yes, living here about as far north as I can get, I have more virtual snow with which to make virtual snowballs. In fact, I fired the first shot this year. I think that I missed too. But that's OK. I pack mine loosely so that they break apart in the air, a cluster snowball if you will, with a whole bunch of little snowballs raining down on the target. I don't need to be accurate. And I flavor my virtual snowball with vanilla, sugar, and nutmeg, or sometimes I use fruit syrups, that way, Bucky gets to make snow cones.
Wooould you like me to fire a couple in your direction, hmmmmm?
Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North