Recipe saving apps. Which do you use and why.

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Staff member
Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Recently on another Thread, which was more about tracking your foods for health reasons, several apps were mentioned for saving recipes. Thought I would start a new thread asking which apps do you use, why and also, is it free to use! LOL.

I'll start:
I use an app called Copy Me That, commonly known here as CMT. I use it as it was the first one I'd heard of that you can just click on an icon and poof: You have a nicely laid out recipe in a consistent manner from recipe to recipe no matter the source. Even from Discuss Cooking.
Here's one for an example: Mock Armadillo with many thanks from me to taxlady - who not only introduced me to this app but for a yummy recipe as well.
The app also puts in place a link directly under the title going back to the original post. Which I think is very nice and I use it if I want to reread, see or watch a video that the original post or blog may have had.
You can edit, add, make notes.
Luckily for me, it will tell you if you've already copied a recipe that you had forgotten about from a while ago. ;)

Pocket. (Just saves any page, not just recipes)
And pepperplate, but when they stopped support, I moved to recipe sage and imported all recipes there + new ones
Badjak, does 'recipe sage' also have a search where you can type in for example - mushrooms, shrimp, etc. and any recipe with those ingredients pops up?
I don't use an app, other than notepad. Recipes are stored in a searchable cloud drive. Any recipe with a searched term in it will pop up. Like "chicken" will give me hundreds of recipes. But, I can add other words and narrow the results.
Badjak, does 'recipe sage' also have a search where you can type in for example - mushrooms, shrimp, etc. and any recipe with those ingredients pops up?
Yes, definitely if you labelled (tagged) it as such, but I am now going to put in an arbitrary ingredient and check.

Watch this space :)

Yes you can
I searched for "fish", trying to see if recipes using "fish sauce" came up and they did.

It is not a sophisticated programm, but it does work for me

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I'm also a CMT patron thanks to TL. I struggle to make it friendly to friends that I wish to direct to a recipe that I have altered. It seems to want to give ingredients and nothing else.
I'm also a CMT patron thanks to TL. I struggle to make it friendly to friends that I wish to direct to a recipe that I have altered. It seems to want to give ingredients and nothing else.
I believe recipes copied from web-sites or blogs do not "forward" the instructions. They will show the ingredients but even as we do here, you cannot just copy and paste someone else's instructions as those are protected, hence the link to the original site.
I'm also a CMT patron thanks to TL. I struggle to make it friendly to friends that I wish to direct to a recipe that I have altered. It seems to want to give ingredients and nothing else.
That is by design. Since an ingredient list isn't subject to copyright, it's fine for CMT to show the ingredient list. But, the wording of the instructions, that is subject to copyright. So, they don't show it to other people from your copy, but it does put a link for them to go see the instructions.

BTW, have you tried emailing the recipe? You have to click the curved share arrow to get this drop down menu. Go ahead and send one to yourself, so you can see what your friend would get.


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