Price of Meat

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Going along with the thread of "Canned Mushrooms prices". Here's what I paid today for some cheap, fatty pork, purchased to slow cook and turn into tacos.

Pork Shoulder Blade Roast, Boneless.
price - $14.31 per kg = about 6.50 per lb.
weight - 1.216 kg = 2.680 lbs
Price - $17.40 for less than 3lbs. :doh: :cry:
Oooo...carnitas! I do a version of carnitas in the crockpot...then I shred it some and then put it under the broiler (with a bit of the broth) to imitate doing a fry on the little meats. Yummy!
Going along with the thread of "Canned Mushrooms prices". Here's what I paid today for some cheap, fatty pork, purchased to slow cook and turn into tacos.

Pork Shoulder Blade Roast, Boneless.
price - $14.31 per kg = about 6.50 per lb.
weight - 1.216 kg = 2.680 lbs
Price - $17.40 for less than 3lbs. :doh: :cry:
That's in Canadian dollars, eh?
Pork, chicken and ground turkey are still good values in my area, if you take the time to shop the specials, but IMO beef just doesn’t have enough WOW for the money.

Wild caught fish and seafood are an occasional treat.

I’m fortunate to live alone and am able to adapt my choices to what I’m willing to spend.
Yes taxy. I should have converted $6.50 Can = $4.80 USd (approx.)

Aunt Bea, should I be shopping for the family I would be in dire straits. As it is I can indulge myself and often do. I look at that piece of meat into tacos serves 5 or 6. If I get 6 meals out of it, the meat is $3.00 per. Can't get that in a restaurant. Add in the extras for the tacos so looking at maximum $5.00? I think $5.00 is a good price for a meal? That would be about $3.70 US dollars.

But I also really overindulge so I will probably only get 4 or 5 meals from it. :pig:
Unless my brother and SIL come by and then I can treat them rather economically. ;)
We live in Texas, where there are more cattle than people. The price of beef is astronomical. Over $4 a pound for chuck roast, steak prices require a second mortgage. The worst thing is that the beef is tough.
We eat a lot of chicken and stock up when it is on sale, e.g. 99 cents a pound for bone-in breasts. We also get Boston butt pork roasts and thick cut pork chops at reasonable prices. We also, like Aunt Bea, indulge in seafood.
With just the two of us, we can get a lot of meals out of a cut of meat. I cannot imagine how a family manages to provide meals daily. Perhaps that is what accounts for the popularity of mac and cheese.
Around here beef and seafood have made the biggest price jumps. I'm old enough to remember swordfish for 99¢ per pound. It really bothers me that formerly inexpensive cuts are now significantly more pricy. Chuck roast used to be on sale for 99¢ per pound now it 4 times that when on sale.
I do pork shoulder/butt for carnitas in my Instant Pot.
Around here beef and seafood have made the biggest price jumps. I'm old enough to remember swordfish for 99¢ per pound. It really bothers me that formerly inexpensive cuts are now significantly more pricy. Chuck roast used to be on sale for 99¢ per pound now it 4 times that when on sale.
It is the same here! Chuck is $4.99/pound when on a good sale. More often, it is $8-10/pound. I've found that you have to pay attention to the prices, by store. They seems to teeter, back and forth. One week, beef is better at one chain than the other...and so on. But my biggest gripe lately is the size of chicken breasts! QFC had packages of 2 or 3 for about $20/package. I didn't notice the weight, because I was looking for a smaller amount and a smaller price. Eventually, I gave up and went to Winco, where I found a package with 2 pieces, a bit smaller at less than half the price. Sigh. Hopefully, I didn't use up any savings with gas to go to the other store!?
One of the local supermarkets regularly has whole chickens on sale for 99¢ per pound. We usually get 3 or 4 and freeze them. Sometimes I break them down into like pieces.
We don't eat as much meat as we did before. When stir frying, meat is often more of a flavouring ingredient than trying to be the star of the dish. We are also getting older and noticing some diminishing of how much we want to eat. If it weren't for those two factors, I would probably be a lot more concerned about the increases in the cost of meat. That said, we seldom buy beef unless it's on special. We do enjoy occasional extravagances.
Around here beef and seafood have made the biggest price jumps. I'm old enough to remember swordfish for 99¢ per pound. It really bothers me that formerly inexpensive cuts are now significantly more pricy. Chuck roast used to be on sale for 99¢ per pound now it 4 times that when on sale.
The price increases since I stopped working in 2005 bother me too.

Sometimes I have to take a deep breath and count my blessings that my income/assets have also increased during that time.

This latest round of inflation has been breathtaking.

I do worry that my ability to keep up is starting to suffer as more and more working people demand and are getting significant raises.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m pleased for them and their families but those increases are widening the gap between the haves and the have nots.

One recent statistic in my city is that 29% of adults do not have access to an automobile. That is amazing to me in such a car centric culture.

It’s a story as old as time that the elderly gradually sink into poverty while the mainstream workers are better able to adapt over time.
It's difficult to relate to the measurements you've provided. How many different cuts of lamb do you get from a whole carcass?
I get 2 x back legs and fore quarter cut into chops for casseroles. Mid loin are cut very thin as we eat a lot of tandoori cutlets. There's a lot of chops but we get through them quickly. I cooked a leg Mediterranean style yesterday for my wifes birthday. My family (10) eat here every Sunday night. That 1 lamb will last 4 months?
Kiwis eat a lot of lamb. I have 2 chest freezers. The fillet steak I get around 13 fat steaks.

@Aunt Bea good post. So true.
Vote with your dollars. If you think things are inflated and inflated beyond reason, stop buying it. Buying it proliferates the inflation.
Plant some fruit or nut trees, vines, bushes every year.
Build relationships with people with your same values trading your skills with their skills, or your extras with their extras.
We build goodwill with our neighbors sharing our extras. We do all of this.
blissful - beautiful advice and sentiments. Unfortunately not everyone lives in a beautiful country area where they can do that. Hi-rise apartments in a metropolitan setting are not prone to garden settings.

so to all you city dwellers, quick now before winter hits. You've never mentioned but hopefully you do have a balcony. Check all the balconies in your building and see who is growing tomatoes, who is growing cucumbers, and how was your crop of zucchini this year? Did the vines go over and down the balcony to your neighbour? Did they get more of your zucchini than you did?

bliss - if you only knew how much I miss the farm. The year before I left I had put in 2 grape vines and 2 blueberry bushes. Never had a chance to enjoy them. Yeah, I have a garden here but now my body is limiting my activities. I live vicariously thru you, Larry and Pepper's posts! LOL -

Ain't Life Grand!
blissful - beautiful advice and sentiments. Unfortunately not everyone lives in a beautiful country area where they can do that. Hi-rise apartments in a metropolitan setting are not prone to garden settings.

so to all you city dwellers, quick now before winter hits. You've never mentioned but hopefully you do have a balcony. Check all the balconies in your building and see who is growing tomatoes, who is growing cucumbers, and how was your crop of zucchini this year? Did the vines go over and down the balcony to your neighbour? Did they get more of your zucchini than you did?

bliss - if you only knew how much I miss the farm. The year before I left I had put in 2 grape vines and 2 blueberry bushes. Never had a chance to enjoy them. Yeah, I have a garden here but now my body is limiting my activities. I live vicariously thru you, Larry and Pepper's posts! LOL -

Ain't Life Grand!
I see it as more of a mindset and approach to life.

We may not be able to garden but we can all continue to develop skills, share strategies, and work to form a live or virtual community with like minded people.

IMO the fairly recent idea of retiring at a specific age has become self limiting and rather dull.

I think that people who continue to earn, learn, and adapt to change as they age have a much better quality of life.
Aunt Bea - I know I was being glib and a bit flippant, I hope no one was offended. It wasn't meant to be nasty.
I agree entirely with what you are saying. If we don't keep on learning you do become dull. With no new experiences to expand your mind with, you become bored which can lead to all sorts of problems.
There's more than 1 way to garden...

Microgreens, 2 days old:


Basil, Parsley, Cilantro and Thyme (a couple of weeks planted):
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