Last thing that made you smile?

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I guess I look "smart"?

While rolling through the produce department yesterday, another shopper approached me and said "could you please help me?". She had a recipe she was going to make for her daughter, but she wasn't sure what a shallot was. Not only did I take her right to the shallots, I explained the differences between the members of the allium family. Actually, it might be a good thing that she wasn't able to find a produce clerk. I think half the people who work that department don't know a thing about produce. :rolleyes:
Our son has a photo in a juried art show - the first time he's submitted work for a juried show. That isn't the big news, though. It's that he came in second! We're so happy, and very proud of him.

...Not sure what a “juried art show” is though.
You first must submit your art to a panel of judges, rather than just pop over to a gallery and hang your photo. Then the jury picks those that they feel are worthy. I can't find numbers online, but I kinda remember that only 40 pieces would be accepted, and that there were several hundred submitted.
This was just too cute to not snap a quick pic. :LOL: My neighbor Joshua mowing his lawn today one-handed, while carrying his 3 year old son on his shoulders. :wub: :LOL:


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Aw, too cute, Cheryl. That's one way to keep the kiddo out of the way [emoji16]

Thanks, GG....I had forgotten that I posted this. :LOL:

Just a fun fact.....when that lovely young couple bought the house next door, we chatted and shared stories about growing up in this town...turns out I went to school with their parents and we have a long history of boating and skiing together back in the day....long before those young'uns were born. :ohmy::LOL: Love it. Now my grandson Tyler and their little boys play together. :wub:
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I play the piano. I have a Bosendorfer Imperial grand, and I've had it for have for years, a gift from my father. Since my mother's demise, thanks to my father, I've been able to play all the her favourite songs. It has a wonderful sound, and it's a solice. She loved to listen to Chopin.

I wish you all the peace that a piano can give you. I've relied on this now since my dear mother died.

Di reston
My sweet, funny, and beautiful granddaughter Sydney had her high school graduation ceremony last night. :smartass: :flowers::wub::heart: Here's to new beginnings for her!
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This made us laugh out loud, too, but it's sweet that our neighbors were thinking about us...

Yesterday afternoon, there was a knock at the front door. With wooden steps and good hearing, I'm usually at the door by the time the person is ready to knock. Anyway, there is a town police officer at our door. :huh: He starts out by asking if we're OK. I say we're fine, why? He said that the neighbor called to have them do a wellness check on us. :ermm: Either our neighbors are concerned that we died, or they're just polite and non-confrontational telling us that our yard looks like hell. :LOL: Well, they would have known we were fine when I had baked chocolate chip cookies last month. Their kitchen windows were wide open, there was a car (or two) in the drive, yet no one came to the door when I knocked and rang the bell. I would have left the cookies on their door handle, but I didn't have anything to hang it with.

BTW, I have been working on getting a landscaper over here to take care of things. Details of that adventure in Petty Vents.

Anyway, there is a town police officer at our door. :huh: He starts out by asking if we're OK. I say we're fine, why? He said that the neighbor called to have them do a wellness check on us. :ermm:

Sooo... I hope you asked him if he had a young son ready and willing to do yardwork. or himself even - policemen around here are terrific for 2nd off-duty jobs.
Never thought of that, dragn. Then again, that policeman was about the "son" age; he didn't look old enough to have kids old enough. And since our daughter doesn't live with us, I couldn't even ask him if he had a serious girlfriend. ;) Besides, I am having a major overhaul of the tree and flower beds. I need someone who does this work as their primary job.
I smiled my way all through the All Star Game. Not because of the game itself, but because I got to see my old home town. [emoji813] I wish Fox had shown more of the city, though, and not just wide aerial shots of the field. Himself saw a segment on the ABC evening news on Sunday and said that they did a much nicer job of showcasing the city.

Cleveland Rocks!
Cleveland Rocks!

My daughter and I checked out Cleveland last year during spring break as she was accepted at Case Western but had not seen the school. One thing I was impressed with was the newness of OH's infrastructure (I90 and bridges). After driving on crappy roads in NY & PA, it was a drastic difference!

I thought the school's campus, and that area of Cleveland was cute. But she didn't want to attend the school for some reason. Her top choice was Wellesley but did not get accepted. She ended up attending our state school, UMass Amherst. If you're a foodie, UMass Amherst is ranked #1 for food among colleges. I always made a point to eat in the dining hall whenever I visited her which wasn't too often.

I thought the 10+ hour drive to Cleveland was bad. Guess what, the wife and I will have to do 16+ hours to Evanston, IL as she transferred to Northwestern for her sophomore year. We plan to do the initial drive and then she'll go back/forth via plane.
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...One thing I was impressed with was the newness of OH's infrastructure (I90 and bridges)...
We never go via I-80 because of the danged $$$ tolls through NY. Also, it's a longer route since our daughter lives near Canton, which is further south. We prefer the "southern" route taking surface streets to I-84, then basically I-81 and I-80 to OH.

...I thought the 10+ hour drive to Cleveland was bad. Guess what, the wife and I will have to do 16+ hours to Evanston, IL as she transferred to Northwestern for her sophomore year. We plan to do the initial drive and then she'll go back/forth via plane.
16 hours? Pfft! We have twins. Our daughter decided to commute to University of Akron, while our son was headed to Arizona State U in Tempe. College and our move from OH to MA were nearly simultaneous. In about two weeks time we (inhale) drove from OH to MA to close on the house and be here for the movers, turn around to OH to get the kid and head off to AZ, then settle him in and drive back. I can't remember if we returned to OH or just headed to MA after settling Goober in for his first year of college, but I do remember the total mileage was 5,800 and change. :wacko: Thanks to multiple trips out west (and back), I've seen something more than a rest stop in 34 of the Lower 48.
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