Last thing that made you smile?

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Ten baby chicks and their momma. Spring/summer is definitely here!


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Sprout...."a piece of water"...LOL! :LOL: Yep, kids come up with some doozies, I just love it!

Andy, you're post about your grandson made me smile, thanks for sharing. :)

CWS - great pic, I'm loving the chicken stories. :)
My daughter told me that he is Pirate Jake of Neverland and I am Captain Hook (nowadays she always makes me villain and she is the hero)
My neighbour's daughter was over for a few hours yesterday while her Mom and Nan were at the doctor. She looked at a pile of cardboard, packing paper and a box in the corner of the living room (that I look at frustratingly as a pile of junk) and says "Oh my gosh, Monkey builds better forts than I do". And it is was Monkey's "fort" and it was pretty good for a cat. Now I don't have the heart to take it away! :)

Yes, kids (and pets) can sure shed new light on things!
Thanks, PF. That was beautiful.

Yesterday I had a smile provided by my Dad, gone now for over 2 years.

I needed white vinegar for my cakes and had used the last of my bottle. I thought I was done with the chocolate cake so didn't rush out to get any. When I decided I needed one more cake I realized I was out of this key ingredient to my recipe. Then I remembered something and smiled widely - not because I had vinegar, but how I had it.

When I was young we would get honey in little bear shaped bottles. My Dad loved vinegar on his french fries and so my Mom washed out one of the empty bears and put vinegar in it. I think I was 7 or 8. It was always known as the vinegar bear (as opposed to honey bear). When we moved my Dad in with us 6 years ago I found the vinegar bear in the cupboard and he was still using it on his fries. So I took it and gave it to him each time I served fries and each time he would tell the story of how it came to be.

So, when I was out of vinegar I suddenly remembered and went hunting in the cupboard. Sure enough, there was the vinegar bear waiting for duty. I looked up with a teary smile and said "Thanks, Dad".

Vinegar, like good memories, doesn't go bad.
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That was sweet and made me cry.

Laurie, there are addons for FireFox and Chrome that let you pretend to be in a different country. Stuff like ProxMate, Hide My Ass, and Proxtube. I haven't tried any of those. I use Witopia and tell it to connect using a US "gateway" for stuff like that. I have Media Hint installed on FF, but it didn't work for this video. BTW, one user wrote that ProxTube installs 3rd party tracking software.
Thanks, PF. That was beautiful.

Yesterday I had a smile provided by my Dad, gone now for over 2 years.

I needed white vinegar for my cakes and had used the last of my bottle. I thought I was done with the chocolate cake so didn't rush out to get any. When I decided I needed one more cake I realized I was out of this key ingredient to my recipe. Then I remembered something and smiled widely - not because I had vinegar, but how I had it.

When I was young we would get honey in little bear shaped bottles. My Dad loved vinegar on his french fries and so my Mom washed out one of the empty bears and put vinegar in it. I think I was 7 or 8. It was always known as the vinegar bear (as opposed to honey bear). When we moved my Dad in with us 6 years ago I found the vinegar bear in the cupboard and he was still using it on his fries. So I took it and gave it to him each time I served fries and each time he would tell the story of how it came to be.

So, when I was out of vinegar I suddenly remembered and went hunting in the cupboard. Sure enough, there was the vinegar bear waiting for duty. I looked up with a teary smile and said "Thanks, Dad".

Vinegar, like good memories, doesn't go bad.

The last thing that made me smile was your post. Thank you. :flowers:
Thanks, PF. That was beautiful.

Yesterday I had a smile provided by my Dad, gone now for over 2 years.

I needed white vinegar for my cakes and had used the last of my bottle. I thought I was done with the chocolate cake so didn't rush out to get any. When I decided I needed one more cake I realized I was out of this key ingredient to my recipe. Then I remembered something and smiled widely - not because I had vinegar, but how I had it.

When I was young we would get honey in little bear shaped bottles. My Dad loved vinegar on his french fries and so my Mom washed out one of the empty bears and put vinegar in it. I think I was 7 or 8. It was always known as the vinegar bear (as opposed to honey bear). When we moved my Dad in with us 6 years ago I found the vinegar bear in the cupboard and he was still using it on his fries. So I took it and gave it to him each time I served fries and each time he would tell the story of how it came to be.

So, when I was out of vinegar I suddenly remembered and went hunting in the cupboard. Sure enough, there was the vinegar bear waiting for duty. I looked up with a teary smile and said "Thanks, Dad".

Vinegar, like good memories, doesn't go bad.

That's a beautiful story - especially for a vinegar fiend like me :)
I was resting in my recliner with my eyes closed and I heard a "thud". I looked over and Monkey had pushed over a box I had sitting on the piano bench. It landed on the carpet on its side. It contained an afghan that was a wedding gift which I hadn't wrapped up yet.

Monkey started to pull at the afghan and I was worried she would snag it. I thought she was trying to curl up in it as she does other blankets. But I was wrong. She was trying to get it out of the box so that she could get into it. She got in behind the afghan and went to sleep.

I wanted to get mad at her, but I had to smile....and laugh a little too. Any box is a fort to our crazy cat.
Poo works in Vermont on the weekends at the hospital that was the first job he had as a PA. He loved working there and living in the state there. So of course we always asked him to bring some maple syrup. Spike got a gallon. The Pirate asked him for even just a quart. Well, Poo has bought it, but for him to get down here to where we live can be a problem due to his schedule in the ER where he works during the week. Today The Pirate informed me that by the time he gets that syrup, they will come out with a study saying that pancakes will give you cancer. I couldn't stop laughing. :angel:
My youngest son (the new Dad) just called me from the grocery store to ask me a cooking question. That always makes me smile, but he said he was there alone in the store with baby Cheyenne (6mo.) sitting in the grocery cart and they were doing the shopping together. I made him promise to take a "selfie picture" of the two of them, but he was balking at doing it. He's my shy son but I hope I convinced him that everyone who saw him doing that on Father's Day would smile for sure!
I have a rolling chair that I use at my desk and hang-out spot. One of the castors kept falling out so I ordered a replacement on Wednesday, which was shipped in the wee hours on Thursday with an estimated delivery date of June 30.

It was delivered yesterday, 10 days ahead of schedule!
A child interacting with a boy that happened to be next to her on the bus, in a pram. She dipped into her bag for a sweet and licked it then looked at the boy. She made eye contact with her mum in a questioning look and her mum gave the go ahead to give the boy a sweet. She didn't pick him a fresh sweet but gave him the one she already licked! :angel:
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