Kitchen Pet Peeves

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Awww, she's so cute! Hope she shared the pills with you :ROFLMAO:

This is my Ally, taken just last night. She wore herself out wandering the house, crying for my other cat, Alex, that we just lost on Monday. He was 16 and very sick, so we made the decision to end his suffering. Ever since then, Ally has been crying for him.
Aw Linda, (((hugs))) and hugs and scritches to Ally.

That was why, when Sucha, a 15 year old female tabby was dying of cancer, I wanted the vet to come euthanize her at my house. Well, it would also save her a trip in the car, which she hated. Shreddy, a much larger male tabby, who was four years younger was obviously depressed after she died. And he sniffed her body a lot of times, like he was checking that she really was gone and not in there. But he wasn't confused or concerned about where she was.
Aw Linda, (((hugs))) and hugs and scritches to Ally.

That was why, when Sucha, a 15 year old female tabby was dying of cancer, I wanted the vet to come euthanize her at my house. Well, it would also save her a trip in the car, which she hated. Shreddy, a much larger male tabby, who was four years younger was obviously depressed after she died. And he sniffed her body a lot of times, like he was checking that she really was gone and not in there. But he wasn't confused or concerned about where she was.
Thank you :giggle:

I wish I could have done the same thing, but we had to take Alex to the emergency vet because my vet was booked solid and couldn't get us in. That and they don't do house calls.

It's sad to see Ally like this. It's difficult as well, because you wish you could explain it to them. Alex and Ally were only a year apart and grew up together since they were kittens.

She's otherwise doing okay, though. She's still eating her meals, which is a good thing. It would deeply concern me if she stopped eating. She's no spring chicken anymore either.
I was extremely fortunate in that here there is a vet who only does "in home euthanasia'. That is all she does. She comes to your home, euthanizes, and if you wish, takes the deceased with her. She can bring you back the ashes if you wish.
I was extremely fortunate in that here there is a vet who only does "in home euthanasia'. That is all she does. She comes to your home, euthanizes, and if you wish, takes the deceased with her. She can bring you back the ashes if you wish.
That is fortunate indeed.

But... what's done is done. And my son, who is 25, cried his eyes out. I'm so glad I raised him to have compassion for animals.

Alex was very sick and was done fighting. We knew it was time.
Yes, the cat. The cat that I trip over on a regular basis.

I swear she's trying to kill me.
My cat was the reason I couldn't get online last night. She's gotten into the habit of jumping on my desk and curling up in my arms to sleep. No room for the keyboard. So I ordered a 5 1/2 ft cat tree that will be here on Friday. It can't come soon enough. Oh, and I finally got the cat door sort of in last night. All this for a cat that isn't even mine.
Actually, with Sucha, I only wanted the vet to come. My vet and the clinic acted like that was a very peculiar request. I kept phoning to make sure that I knew when it was time to bring her to the clinic. But, Sucha had other ideas. She seemed as okay as she had been and then just lay under the coffee table until she was gone. That was in 2007. When it was Shreddy's turn, I called and around to find out if there were any vets doing home euthanasia. I was given a vet's number by the clinic. Guess what, it was the same vet who wouldn't come for Sucha. And now they were all acting like I was weird for thinking it would be hard to get a vet to come. By 2014, it had become commonplace.
A friend told me about when his beloved cat died. She used to like to snuggle him while he was leaned back in the La-Z-Boy. One evening, when she was quite old and getting feeble, she came and snuggled him in the La-Z-Boy. He could tell that she was near the end. He decided to sleep in the La-Z-Boy that night and woke in the morning with her still there, but passed on. And now someone seems to be cutting onions nearby.
My cat was the reason I couldn't get online last night. She's gotten into the habit of jumping on my desk and curling up in my arms to sleep. No room for the keyboard. So I ordered a 5 1/2 ft cat tree that will be here on Friday. It can't come soon enough. Oh, and I finally got the cat door sort of in last night. All this for a cat that isn't even mine.
Hope it helps! Alex used to do that as well, cuddled with me wrapped up in a blankie.
I keep my door open all summer at night and I haven't had a problem yet.

I used to have a dog door in my house. About 2AM once, I was asleep in my bed, with my dog next to me. There was this loud bang from my bathroom. The dog and I jumped up. I slowly went into the bathroom, and something was behind the trashcan. I kicked the trashcan and jumped back.

It was a huge bullfrog. It came through the dog door, and all the way to my bathroom. The bang was it hitting the glass shower door.:ROFLMAO:

I put it in a cooler for the night, and took it to a lake a few blocks away in the morning.

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I used 5to have a dog door in my house. About 2AM once, I was asleep in my bed, with my dog next to me. There was this loud bang from my bathroom. The dog and I jumped up. I slowly went into the bathroom, and something was behind the trashcan. I kicked the trashcan and jumped back.

It was a huge bullfrog. It came through the dog door, and all the way to my bathroom. The bang was it hitting the glass shower door.:ROFLMAO:

I put it in a cooler for the night, and took it to a lake a few blocks away in the morning.

Glad you let the poor go. I give him an A for effort and creativity :ROFLMAO:
Glad you let the poor go. I give him an A for effort and creativity :ROFLMAO:

The weird thing is that I live on a prairie. I have no idea where a bullfrog would have come from. From his nose to tip of his feet, he probably could stretch out two fee long???

I got a cooler from the garage, put him in it, leaving a small gap for air. I released him in the morning and he jumped in the water and disappeared.

The weird thing is that I live on a prairie. I have no idea where a bullfrog would have come from. From his nose to tip of his feet, he probably could stretch out two fee long???

I got a cooler from the garage, put him in it, leaving a small gap for air. I released him in the morning and he jumped in the water and disappeared.

I occasionally find various sizes of frogs (usually those tiny little tree frogs) attached to the side of my house. We definitely don't live on a prairie, but we don't live near any real bodies of water, either. There's a quarry/pond down the road, but it's a good ways. These little guys do some traveling, I guess.
We have bufo marinus toads here. They secrete a poison through their skin that can kill dogs and is also a hallucinogenic if consumed in small amounts. They can get freaking huge! I will never forget I was weeding shrubbery lining our fence in the backyard when we lived on a lake and was having trouble with a clump of weeds. All of a sudden, this toad with a body the size of a dinner plate exploded out of the ground underneath my hands, wiggled under the fence and took off for the lake. People on the other side of the lake heard my scream and DH, who was working in the garage on the other side of the house heard me and came running to see what was wrong.
I keep my door open all summer at night and I haven't had a problem yet.
I can leave my balcony door open, but I live on the 4th floor and Alexander Mundy doesn't live in my neighborhood. I did have a pidgeon visit me one day, but it let me pick it u and take it back outside without a fuss.

Nobody should let their cats go outside to play. Too many bad things can happen to them, from nasty children to poisoners to motor vehicles.
Yup, remember reading about those toads in the 60's!
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