I'm Getting (re)Married!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Cat, yest we will have to have many discussions as we both plan! That necklace is beautiful. We had discussed putting my original rings on a chain, but I have some issues with things around my neck - even if it is a loose one, I feel it in back and it makes me feel claustrophobic.

Jabbur - I love the kitchen utensil idea! I will give it some thought!

To everyone who commented on my dress, thanks. I actually just got an email today saying it was a new arrival. I just fell in love instantly! Can't beat the price too for a wedding dress! :LOL: I can spend a little on the lining and accessories and still save a bundle! It will of course go towards the most important part of a wedding....the food of course!

There was a show on Food Network Canada a few years ago called "I Do, Let's Eat!". It was a half hour and showed about 5 minutes of the preparation and wedding and the rest of the show was dedicated to the reception and the food. The couples were from all different cultures in Canada and was very interesting.
"I do. Let's eat" sounds like my husband's kind of wedding or a version of any party he's a part of. The dress looks wonderful. Please let us know if it's a wonderful as it looks when it arrives. There are some cute items on that website. Thanks and congratulations.
Okay, we made some decisions today.

We are going to write and recite our own vows (but we won't share them until the day of course) and we will be exchanging rings - whether we get mine resized or get a new one hasn't been decided yet.

We will give an open invitation to our church, friends and family for the ceremony and then add a separate invitation to a small dinner to those from out of town and close family and friends.

A photographer friend (who I make the hats for) will take pictures (and I will make sure she gets some of the food just for you all!)

It will be on August 2nd or 23rd, depending on the availability of my best friend and our Pastor.

We will hold everything at our church because it is convenient, I have catered many weddings there, and it is wheelchair accessible for TB's best friend who is a quadriplegic. We were thinking of the dinner at our common room here which is really nice, but not accessible.

For the dinner I am thinking of a classic Roast Beef with yorkshire pudding, au jus, roasted or mashed potatoes, vegetables and salad. It is easy to make gluten free and tasty for everyone. A friend has an awesome rub for the roast that I know he will make for us (he just won't give it to me). We may add some salmon to that as well. This isn't official, just a first run at it. Anyone got any thoughts on it? It will only be for about 20 - 30 people.

TB and I ran the sound booth at our church for many years. We helped design the "new" booth (about 10 years ago) and if you couldn't find us we were probably there. Since we are not having attendants, and are going to walk down the aisle together, we decided that he will come down out of the booth which is at the back on one side of the room and I will come from the foyer on the other side, meeting in the middle. Since we are still known as the "Beiers in the Booth" I think many people will get a kick out of it.

Wow, this is really happening. We also talked about wording for invitations and I guess the guest list is the next item! I wish I could invite all of you! :)
Laurie, I so enjoyed reading about your upcoming re-marriage vows! How romantic, and your dress is stunning! I can read the excitement in your posts, and your dinner sounds wonderful.

Best wishes to both of you for many more happy years together. :wub: I love to hear about things like this. :)
Laurie, I couldn't be happier for you! This is a wonderful way to reaffirm your love for each other! Your dress is perfect and the food sounds just right!
Okay, we made some decisions today.

We are going to write and recite our own vows (but we won't share them until the day of course) and we will be exchanging rings - whether we get mine resized or get a new one hasn't been decided yet.

We will give an open invitation to our church, friends and family for the ceremony and then add a separate invitation to a small dinner to those from out of town and close family and friends.

A photographer friend (who I make the hats for) will take pictures (and I will make sure she gets some of the food just for you all!)

It will be on August 2nd or 23rd, depending on the availability of my best friend and our Pastor.

We will hold everything at our church because it is convenient, I have catered many weddings there, and it is wheelchair accessible for TB's best friend who is a quadriplegic. We were thinking of the dinner at our common room here which is really nice, but not accessible.

For the dinner I am thinking of a classic Roast Beef with yorkshire pudding, au jus, roasted or mashed potatoes, vegetables and salad. It is easy to make gluten free and tasty for everyone. A friend has an awesome rub for the roast that I know he will make for us (he just won't give it to me). We may add some salmon to that as well. This isn't official, just a first run at it. Anyone got any thoughts on it? It will only be for about 20 - 30 people.

TB and I ran the sound booth at our church for many years. We helped design the "new" booth (about 10 years ago) and if you couldn't find us we were probably there. Since we are not having attendants, and are going to walk down the aisle together, we decided that he will come down out of the booth which is at the back on one side of the room and I will come from the foyer on the other side, meeting in the middle. Since we are still known as the "Beiers in the Booth" I think many people will get a kick out of it.

Wow, this is really happening. We also talked about wording for invitations and I guess the guest list is the next item! I wish I could invite all of you! :)

Oh I am so happy of this, Laurie! I wish I could be there. This is wonderful!

With love,
Wow, this is so exciting Laurie! Congrats on your re-marriage and have a good time with this. Love the dress, and all of your ideas are sounding wonderful. Especially:
Okay, we made some decisions today.......... I wish I could invite all of you! :)
Don't worry, we'll all be with you in spirit. Just make sure you post pictures. :) Looking forward to more posts with details so we can follow along.
My dress has been ordered and we have started to tell some of the people we need to tell before the news is common knowledge.

We were supposed to go to TB's parents' place last night to see them and our two nieces who were down for an annual charity run. We figured it would be a good way to tell most of the family. However, my bronchitis was getting the best of me and I needed to stay home and rest.

I am phoning the pastor in the morning to set up some time to meet with him to see if he will perform the ceremony and what day is best. I have my best friend's holidays and thankfully they are not the two dates we have in mind. She missed our first wedding (I would have had her stand up for me) but was away then.

We have pretty much confirmed that the dinner will be baron of beef and all the trimmings. Now it is the desserts and the tea menu to nail down and that is not as simple.
We've Set the Date!

So, our vow renewal ceremony is going to be on August 23, 2014.

Now begins the fun! :)
Well, I have designed my "re-wedding" cake. We are going to have a cake for the open tea after the ceremony and dessert(s) after the private dinner.

Since it isn't a normal "wedding", I am not making a normal cake. Well, it is cake with icing and fondant, but the shape is what sets it apart. I don't want to say too much, but for those of you who saw my "defying gravity cake" for my niece, this one takes it to another level! I am going to do most of the prep and a friend of mine will do the last minute constructing, etc.

I wish August would hurry up and get here - I am going to have everything done and won't know what to do with myself! :angel:
That's strange, Bunny, the link takes me to a beautiful blue cake with sunflowers.
This is strange. I clicked on the link here on my PC and it came up with the cake. However, when I clicked on it earlier on my phone, I got what Bunny got.

Somebunny, if you go to my profile and the album "my cakes", in the middle is a cake in shades of blue with sunflowers. The layers are all on angles in the air! Sorry you are having problems with this.

This will give you a bit of an idea what I am going for with my cake. It will be different, but very much along these lines.
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